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Kristy's POV

A few days later I was allowed to be discharged and I couldn't wait, I found out I was pregnant and that because of me having one Fallopian tube it may make it a high risk pregnancy.. Not wanting to tell Dan and just letting him not know for now, I headed in the wheelchair they made me sit in and was wheeled out to see all the guys, Chrissy hugged me and we headed in the tour bus, I was going to tell Dan I am having his child but at the moment I need to get my head around it.. I was only 5 weeks and I didn't want to jinx myself like last time so hoping that when I am on the safe mark I'll tell him, I know I am being selfish but if I didn't get stressed out and black out after what happened with Elia I wouldn't of had to have my Fallopian tube taken out..

I got into the bus and headed to the sofa, I wanted to sit down and hope that we can get to a comfy bed soon.. Dan came over to me and sat down he didn't say anything after what happened with Elia and when I was hurt too.. I felt his hand go into mine and I just was so tired I rested my head on to his chest..

A few hours later I woke up and saw the guys all watching TV, Chrissy had rose and Elia was in her play pen.. Dan was on his phone..

"Hey how long did I sleep?"

"It's been about 6 hours."

"Those pain medications knocked me out.." I had made sure that they were okay for the baby and I was able to have a normal pregnancy, my first time around wasn't so good and I hated myself for not making sure I was able to carry it..

After the guys headed out I was with Chrissy and rose as well as Elia, I was sitting up with a pain in my face from the surgery when Chrissy looked at me..

"Hey, I know its non of my business but are you pregnant?"

"What would give you that?" I said hoping she didn't catch on..

"Well you seem to have this glow and I can tell as I did just give birth 5 weeks ago.."

"I am, but please... Please don't tell Dan.. Last time when I was I wasn't able to protect him or her and I can't lose another one"

"Hun its fine, trust me.. I would keep it from him too, what he did wasn't acceptable.. You didn't know that Elia was allergic and he did cheat on you before you left 6 months ago.."

I was sitting with Chrissy and talking to her, I couldn't believe she was siding with me and I knew I will tell him sooner or later but right now I need to make sure I don't have any more stress..

3 months later

I was now 4 months along and I was showing, I had to tell Dan.. We were heading to a gig when I got my case of morning sickness I was holding Elia when it happened she was holding onto me when I puked into a trash can.. Being at sound check with the guys I wanted to finally tell him but I didn't want him to hate me for it..

After the guys were finished with sound check I saw Chrissy and Woody take Elia to the park it was now my chance to tell him, I headed into the tour bus while he was taking a shower when I finally spilt the beans..

"Dan.. I need to tell you something."

"Whats wrong?"

"I'm pregnant... I've known for the past 9 weeks and I didn't tell you because of what happened with my last pregnancy.."

"Wait... Why didn't you tell me.. Wait this is great.."

Dan was happy, I was shocked and taken aback from it, how was he so calm? I felt him come to my waist as I was standing there when he lifted up my shirt..

"Hey little one.. I'm your daddy, you better be good for mummy here."

Feeling emotional, I was now crying my eyes out, Dan came up and kissed my lips to say it was okay.. I didn't think I was going to get Dan to change his mind about another baby but I guess this one seemed to make him happy..

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