Dan's POV

Waking up and seeing the girl from the bar last night I knew Kristy will be pissed off at me.. I headed to see Elia playing in her crib, I headed down to Kristy's room as something doesn't feel right.. Knocking on the door I opened it after the last knock to see her stuff gone and her bed not slept in.. I was now getting worried something was going on, I called her phone and all I got was her voicemail.. I headed to the kitchen and got out Elias food.. I needed to tet ready for daycare so she can be taken care off..

A few hours later and still not having any luck with getting a hold of Kristy I knew she left and I hoped it wasn't because of me sleeping with another girl last night.. Felling guilty as I should and hoping I can talk to someone I called my mum, she said she hadn't heard from Kristy since we fought and that was 3 weeks ago.. Now I was getting concerned and hoping she was ok I headed to my car and drove around. Maybe she was at some bus stops and shelters.. I was driving for hours when I headed back to her old flat.. Going up the stairs to her place and seeing that this isn't safe for anyone I knocked on the door.. I was greeted with a guy who looked like he been on the piss..

"Yeah what do you want?"

"Is Kristy here?"



"Hold on I'll get you her.."

"Kristy.. Kristy..." He was now yelling her name and I hoped she would come to the door, I saw her walk to it but it wasn't her and I knew this girl before..

"Oh you are Kristy's new flame hey?"

"Is she here?"

"No I haven't seen the skank in 11 months, why would she be here?"

"Oh I am sorry to bother you.."

"If you see her tell her she owes me £1200"


I walked away and headed to my car, getting in and realizing that I made the biggest mistake of my life.. I drove away from the flat and headed back home.. I needed to get someone to take care of Elia while we tour, I hope Kristy was still here but I ruined that.. I called her phone again one last time and left her a voicemail if she does pick up she can know how sorry I am..

*Kristy I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you.. I love you and I hope you get this and know that Elia misses you, you could of told me you wanted to leave.. I can't do this on my own.. Please come back to us..

I love you and I'm sorry for everything.. Dan*

I hung the phone up and headed to bed, we were heading out to America in 3 days...

Dan and AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now