fighting and first kiss = bad

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This will be from Kristy's POV in this story...

4 months have passed and it will be a filler chapter.... Chapter 3...

*Flash back*

I had been living and working for Dan for a month now, it had its up and downs. Times got hard for us I would take Elia to the park and Dan would check up on her every so often. I know she is his daughter and he loves her but I need to be trusted. Dan and I seemed to get along some days and then most he would snap at me for no reason, It was a Friday night. I was washing Elias bottles and putting them in a starlizer when he came out of the music room and started saying I was doing it all wrong.. He poured out the clean water and redid it, nothing was wrong and I couldn't think why he was being this way. I ended up leaving him to do it and went to my room.

Dan needed to trust me and he did after all make me his nanny. I trust him and it feels like everything I do isn't good enough.. I ended up leaving one day and I headed out for a few hours I left him a note, he called me being all worried and asking "where I was?"

I came home later and he hugged me, I was taken aback and thought what is going on with him? I know he's grieving and he needs to deal with it but I can't take his mood swings.

We had a party for Dan as it was the first birthday without Amelia and he was trying to be happy but we knew he wasn't and so we would act happy around him, I met his family and they were welcoming with me. His mum liked me a lot, she even told me that when Dan gets mad or upset just call her because she's dealt with him being like this. I smiled and nodded when she said that to me, it made me happy to know that she was there to help me. Then she pulled me aside and asked me if I liked him..

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah I mean he's really nice and helpful but when he is angry at me for no reason I get really unhappy and it makes me think, why did I take this job? Then I look at Elia and I forget about him and worry about her"

"He will be ok soon just give him space and time"

After dans party I was cleaning up, he was tipsy and I had to laugh because he was nice and it was good to seem him smile and have fun, he even danced with with me even though we were standing listening to him sing choices.. I laughed and tried to walk away but he stopped me and we continued to dance. Then he fell asleep on me I put him around my shoulder and put him to bed. In his drunken state he thanked me for being here and being so hard on me.

2 months after being here Dan went back to the studio and he was more happy and confident and I was happy he was back singing and writing again. He wrote a song for Elia called my soul is filled. It was like flaws but it was saying how she had completed him and she will never be away from his heart and mind. It was so sweet he sang it to her one day it was so cute, I never heard him sing before and he was so passionate about it and the words came out made me cry.. I pretended to hide my tears from him but he saw and smiled at me to say its ok, we just watched as Elia was in her bouncer giggling and paying with her toys..

It was storming one night and Elia was asleep the power went out so i couldn't check on her through the baby montior, I was home alone and I heard noises I had a baseball bat and waited until Dan got home, stupid me I didn't hear him coming in and I hit him with the bat causing him to have a bump on his head. I apologize to him but he didn't want to hear it so he went into his room and closed the door. I heard him when I woke up the next morning thrashing about in the bathroom looking for some pain relief..

"Here let me"

"No, I am fine"

"Its in the cupboard near Elias pain relief and if you keep making noises you will wake her up"

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