Chapter 2: Decision

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Sunlight came into the room through the pink curtain, landed on Marinette's eyelids gently, woke the girl quietly. Marinette rubbed her eyes and realized that she had fallen asleep on the floor last night, as result now her back is aching in pain. She stood up and stretched slowly.

She remembered today she was allowed to go to school again, but after what happened to Tikki and on her, she didn't have the mood to school to be honest. However, her room door was knocked by her mother and she knew she had no choice.

"Welcome back Marinette. Do you have any idea what time it is?"

Marinette lowered her head in embarrassment, tried to ignore the stare of her classmates and Ms. Bustier. After a deadly silence, Ms. Bustier sighed and signaled her to her seat. Marinette went to her seat quietly and Alya frowned at her, still ad about her attitude.

Marinette kept her gaze on her desk and she could everyone's judging glance on her liked they were trying to burn a hole on her back. Today Lila wasn't here due to her injury and this made Marinette sighed in relieve.

Ms. Bustier told the class to take out the History book and turned to the page about French Revolution. Suddenly, Marinette realized she had left her bag at home. She raised up her hands hesitantly.

"Yes, Marinette?" 

"I, I'm sorry Madam. I think, I... forgot to bring my bag..."

Ms. Bustier looked at her and sighed in frustration, face palmed.

"How many times already, Marinette? I cannot allow this kind of situation happen over and over again! Go to the Principle Office now, please." 

She opened the door and pointed the Principle Office. Marinette sighed and went to the door. Suddenly, she was tripped up by Chloe and fell on the floor in an awkward position.

"Watch your step next time, Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe and Sabrina mocked and giggled. Marinette groaned in pain and stood up, soon she felt some heat under her nose. She touched her nose and there she saw blood. Ms. Bustier scolded at Chloe and stopped that girl's laughing.

"Alya, can you go to the nurse office with Marinette before the Principle Office?"

Alya nodded unwillingly and stood up, helped Marinette to stand up but her hand was pushed away by the fashion designer gently. She looked at Marinette surprisingly and froze at there.

"I am fine, Ms. Bustier. Thank you but I don't need to go the nurse office." Marinette said in a quiet voice. 

When she planned to leave, her hand was grabbed by Adrien. The model gave her his hand towel, smiled gently. 

"Here you go Marinette, please use it." 

Marinette looked at his hand and surprisingly, she shook her head slowly. She gave him a forced smile and pushed his hand softly.

"Thank you, Adrien, but I don't want to smear you hand towel." 

Marinette used her hand to wipe off the nose blood, then she just ignored the surprised faces of her friends and left the classroom quickly.


Alya couldn't believe what she saw. Marinette, the girl who had a huge crush on Adrien but always stuttered in front of him, just refused his help and didn't stutter for the first time! What happened to the girl?!

Although she wished she could ask her what was going on back then, still she had to wait for 30 minutes before the lunch. Alya tapped her table impatiently and growled quietly.

It was surprising to see Marinette acted so different in front of Adrien, but Chloe's reaction was a bigger problem for her right now. That girl's temper really is a big problem. She had seen the cruelty of this brat already. That brat was acting more terrible these days toward every girl approached Adrien, including Kagami and Lila.

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