Chapter 19: Unnoticed truths

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Adrien peeked at outside through the little gap of the door, confirming no one was around before he came out with the jar. He went to the corridor where people left their things when the akuma was attacking, searched for something to use in the mess.

Plagg flew out from the chest pocket of Adrien's blazer and looked around. He flew into a bag and after a while, he came out with something in his little paws. The kwami was holding a powder where he found inside a woman's bag.

"Adrien! What about this?"

Adrien grinned and rubbed Plagg's head, got the powder and put the jar on the floor. He took a deep breath and opened the jar slowly. The akuma flew to the air quickly and Adrien used his cat flexibility and caught the akuma immediately inside the powder.

Adrien sighed and put the jar on a bench carefully. He put the powder in his pocket and went to the entrance, tried to find his friends inside the crowd.

He spent some time to find his friends and his teacher gathered around an ambulance, all of them looked exhausted and scared.

Nino was sitting next to Alya who was still unconscious, his hands holding her's tightly. Nathanial looked at Marc who laid on the ambulance bed worriedly.

Nino raised his head and eyes widened when he saw Adrien.

"Adrien!" He cried and rushed to the boy, tugged his best friend into his arms tightly.

Adrien smiled to his friend's reaction and patted his friend's back gently. Nino sniffled and released his grip, he grinned and hit Adrien's shoulder. Luka marched to them quickly and without warning, he gave Adrien a bear hug.

"Did you lost your mind?!" He yelled furiously and tightened his hug.

Adrien chocked on Luka's strength and coughed to the lack of oxygen. Luka released his grip and glared at Adrien. The latter saw the fury inside Luka's eyes and gulped difficulty.

"I'm so sorry. I know it's stupid but you guys are in danger-" Adrien explained, but he was stopped by the other's bear hugs.

Rose and Mylene cried hysterically on his chest, the other didn't cry out but some tears could be felt through Adrien's shirt, grip had tightened every second.

Adrien widened his eyes, looked at his friends unbelievably. Immediately, he felt tears were welling up and his heart was filled with warmth and remorse. His friends used action to tell the lonely boy that they cared him so much and it really scared them off when they knew he set himself in danger to protect them.

Adrien sniffled and smiled happily, nuzzled his head to his friends. At the same time, Alya muffled moaning came from the ambulance. Everyone snapped their heads and Nino looked at Alya worriedly and held her hand tight.

Alya frowned and opened her eyes slowly. "Nino...? What...happen?"

Everyone sighed in relief. Nino smiled and wiped off his tears that didn't roll down yet.

"You will be fine, Alya. Everything is fine." He leaned forward and his hand stroked her cheek gently.

Alya blinked confusingly and looked around carefully, she nodded slowly and closed her eyes again.

Ms. Bustier smiled and motioned the student went out. Some authority came to them and asked some question. Ms. Bustier told the others got on the bus first and she would be there soon.

They followed the instruction and went back to the bus. At there, the mysterious man stood next to the bus, looked at them quietly through his sunglasses. Luka saw him and grinned happily, ran to him.

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