Chapter 10: Filming begins

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Paris, apartment scene---

This was the fourth day in Paris. Marinette splashed some water on her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Tikki flew to her cheek and looked at her reflection.

"You can do it." She encouraged the girl with a smile.

Marinette took a deep breath before she got out from the bathroom. She went to the filming room, greeted the others before she went to the fitting room and put on the towel. 

She finished her changing and sat in front of the makeup table, letting the stylist helped her put on makeup and made her hair. While she was preparing, she closed her eyes and recalled the memory of last night.

She was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, looking at the night scene through the balcony outside. At that moment, someone knocked the door.

"Come in."

Diego smiled and came in, closed the door behind him.

"Diego? What can I help you?"

She turned to him. He smiled and signaled her to move a bit. She moved and left some space for Diego to sit.

"Just want to give you some tips for the filming." He said.

She took a deep breath and brushed her hair behind her ears. She nodded.

"I have spent some time to get used to filming, you know." He said with a smile.

"I was like you, not comfortable with the camera at first. Then one of my senior of acting taught me a way to get used to the camera and people staring when I was filming."

He gave her a mysterious smile and got Marinette's interest successfully.

"What it is?" She asked curiously.

"You have to hypnosis yourself."

Marinette looked at him with her brow raised, doubtfully. Diego raised his hands, acted surrendered.

"I know it sounds stupid but it really works. Of course, it also need some preparation."

He turned to her with his finger pointing at her.

"Tonight try to sleep with a towel only."

She looked at him unbelievably. "A towel? Seriously?" She asked with a doubting brow raised.

"You have to get used to it after all, right?" He crossed his arm, looked at her.

"Tell yourself, you are that character and she is you."

"Just like you and Ladybug."

"Done! What do you think Marianna?"

The stylist smiled at his work, patted Marinette's shoulder and snapped her back from last night.

She looked at the reflection in the mirror, eyes widened to the brunette in the mirror looking her with the same expression. She touched her face and the wig on her head right now, couldn't believe she looked older and mature with the makeup.

"Just as Diego says, brown hair makes you look more mature!" The stylist grinned.

Marinette took a deep breath and began to hypnosis herself as the character in the script. 

In the film set, Hannah waved to Felix and Diego who just came in. She greeted them and smiled.

"Today is the day, Diego." She said. 

Diego smiled and shrugged. "I know, her day." He smirked confidentially.

Hannah looked at Diego's smirk for a while before she went to her seat, prepared for the filming. She had decided if Marinette still performed same as last time, she would have no choice but change her. She had begun to search for information for a new heroine since last night already.

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