Chapter 28: Dance of heart

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It was a peaceful morning. Quietness and gentle breeze, warm sunlight and blue sky. What a wonderful day for a nice nap and lazy day off.

No one would complain about this idea, probably.

"I told you many times! Keep your back straight and follow the beat Miss! Mr. Auor and what is wrong with your shoulder? Too tense! Don't waste a day off you two!"

Marinette nodded awkwardly to Marcus's scolding, seemed to be got used to it already. Elias sighed in defeat and beckoned his fingers, signaled the girl to try again. Marcus tapped the floor with his foot and played the music again, counted the beat.

"123,123,123. Watch your elbow Mr. Auor, Miss keep your chin up a bit."

Elias and Marinette tried their best to catch up with Marcus's instruction while paying attention to their steps, hoping they won't make a mistake that triggered the old butler's temper again.

The Royal Ball was coming very soon and the pair was running out of time. Everything was ready except their dancing skills. None of them expected that someday they would need to take formal lesson for such scenario.

Left Marinette who had no experience to such case before aside, it was a shock when Felix and Diego found out Elias had no experience in dancing at all.

The two explained to Marinette who seemed totally clueless to their astonishment, the fact that Elias was the only child of an honorable British noble family. She did some research lately and found out Elias's family actually inherited the bloodline of the British Royal family. The family tree of the musician was too complicated that she just read few lines and dropped the topic.

Based on this emergent situation, Marcus was assigned by Felix as the dancing tutor for the two. The priority was to make sure the two won't embarrassed themselves on the Royal Ball with their terrible dancing steps.

As result, Marinette and Elias had been experiencing the Sparta dancing education from the usual kind old butler and now testy coach who seemed to explode anytime with any tiny mistake.

When the coach finally announced the break and left to grab something, immediately both of the youngsters sat on the floor and panting slightly, sweat rolling down from their forehead.

"I don't think my legs can continue any longer..." Marinette groaned and fanned herself with her hand.

Elias pushed all his hair back and wiped off his sweat with a towel. Marinette drank her water while rubbing her leg's muscles gently, frowned slightly to the soreness. Even though she had been training with Diego regularly, memorizing the dancing steps while following to the beat of the music was more exhausted than those training.

The two turned their heads to the door when someone called the girl's name. Max, Ivan, Juleka and Mylene were standing there, looking at the two curiously.

"What are you guys doing?" Mylene asked curiously, wondering what the two doing in such early morning.

Marinette smiled and shrugged. "We are practicing our dancing skills before the Royal Ball. Marcus gives us a short break and probably soon return."

"The Royal Ball that holds by the Royal family?" Max asked and seemed excited when Marinette nodded in conferment.

"I thought you guys know how to dance?" Ivan asked Marinette who was slowly stretching her legs forward and backward.

"Well, let's say our skills are not good enough to dance in front of the Royalties." She smiled helplessly and sighed.

The group chatted for a while until Marcus came back and continued the lecture. The four seemed get interested to the class and stayed, watched the old man scolding the two sternly whenever any of them made mistake.

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