Felix Agreste

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As every fairy tale ended, they lived happily ever after.

With the last sentence typed, Felix finally gave out a concealed sign and closed his laptop, leaned his head backward on his armchair. After years of effort, he finally finished this book.

His original purpose for writing this book just because of a childish promise he made with Bridgette, but with time passed by he slowly began to enjoy writing and became a professional writer.

Felix smiled to the old memory and stretched lazily. With the end of this book, he could take a long break before another work came in again. His mind was already planning his vocation, it had been years for him having a proper holiday. Maybe he should travel around or just spent a leisure day in the mansion...

His vocation plan stopped when he saw the picture of a girl smiling brightly next to a poker face who was smiling helplessly in the frame. He held the frame and touched the face of the girl in the picture.

Had it been three years? It felt like more than that already.

Once again Felix was stunned by the fact that time passed so fast before he could notice. It was hard to believe it had been nearly three years ever since Marinette returned to Paris.

At the very beginning, they all knew someday the girl would return to her homeland, where she belonged to. She was just temporarily staying in London with them due to the threat of Hawk Moth.

Therefore, when the girl informed them about her leaving, he didn't have much strong feelings. After all, this was expected from the beginning, right?

A sudden ringtone with the blonde actor's name showed on the screen drew Felix's attention back from the memory. He sighed tiredly and picked up the call unwillingly, knew his peacefulness would definitely be interrupted by this man.

"Felix, big news!"

Diego's unusual energetic voice rang from the phone and his question proved the writer's assumption of the end of his rare peacefulness.

Felix sighed and rubbed his throbbing temple. "What is it?"

"Elias just texted me about Mari's graduation ceremony next week. Are you coming?"

Felix's rubbing hand paused a moment to the unexpected answer from the phone, it took seconds before he answered the call again.

"You two are going? Don't you guys have a busy schedule these days?" He asked.

"Come on man, we are talking about our little girl's graduation! Go hell the work!"

Up to this point, Felix knew it was meaningless to stop the heated-mind Diego and rarely enthusiastic Elias not to skip their job. He could already foresee thee two's managers' crying and conflicted faces.

"I'm tagging you in! We will pick you up on our way to the airport!"

"Don't you dare to use any excuse of work or vocation, I will knock you down and kidnap you to Paris if you do so! Pack your things and I'll see you soon!"

Diego cut off the call first and left a speechless Felix. The latter sighed in defeat and went to pack up his things unwillingly. Based on his past experience, Diego's "see you soon" actually mean "I'm on my way already".

Felix guessed they won't stay there for long so he just packed a few shirts and jeans and also some necessity. Very quickly he already finished his packing and dragged the suitcase downstairs, waiting for Diego's arrival.

Marinette's graduation ceremony...why he didn't hear a word from her at all?

It was a surprise to know Elias was the one who received the news of the graduation ceremony from Marinette among the three. Felix knew the two were in good term but he didn't imagine they were that close. Close enough to receive the news from the bluenette first...

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