Chapter 27: Broken past

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It had been nearly an hour ever since the akuma attack happened. The news of the second akuma attack in London had spread all over the Internet and social media liked wildfire, the anxiety and fear of the people toward the akuma who was still wandering in the city worsened with time flew.

The nervous faces and the scent of pedestrian ran into the indoor through the tinned window of the limo deepened the frown on Diego's face. Watching the news of the akuma attack in Paris through the television could ruin his mood all the day in the past already, but now watching it happened in front of him only worsened his situation.

Diego looked down at his phone, the screen still showing the last message from Felix, asking them all returned to the mansion immediately and he would meet them back there. The news of Marinette was saved had slightly lightened the heaviness in his heart

However, the thought of Hawk Moth was in London brought back the heaviness into Diego's heart. The reason that he left Paris was to run away from the painful past and memory in that city. And now...

Adrien rubbed his hands nervously, watched all his friends' anxious and worried faces. Who would know even in London there was akuma attack, just like the akuma was after them?

The thought of Hawk Moth might know Chat Noir's identity and decided to after him sent cold chills to Adrien's bones, a growing fear filled his heart and made his face turned pale.

Nino wrapped Adrien's shoulder and squeezed him lightly, gave the blonde a smile. Adrien smiled back and wrapped his arm around Nino's waist, hoping to gain some courage from his best friend.

He swore, no matter what he would protect them with any price. He was Chat Noir, this was his responsibility.

Sooner and later, they had finally arrived the mansion. Everyone almost dashed out from the limo before Will came to open the door for them. Marcus's usual smile and decoration of the mansion had sent them a sense of security and slightly lightened their anxiety.

The butler told them Felix was waiting for them in the living room and he would bring them some hot drink later. Diego nodded thankfully and headed to the living room quickly with a bunch of teens behind him.

He opened the door and the first thing he saw was his musician friend's back toward the door, chatting with Felix who had a serious face. He looked around and Mairnette was nowhere to be found.

"Felix, Elias, where is Mari-"

Diego walked pass the couch and frowned deeply to the absence of the girl, but next he froze at his spot when Elias entered the living room by another door. He blinked blankly to Elias's confused face and Felix's amused smile, then turned to the stranger,confused.

"Diego, kids, find a seat first."

Felix threw a glance to the stranger and the latter sighed, moved to sit on a chair and left the couch to the teens. Everyone was confused and nervous, but still took Felix's words and found a place to sit.

When everyone was settled down, they finally had the chance to look at this stranger's face clearly.

The young man was wearing a white shirt with a dark grey oversize coat placed on his board shoulder. The black jean showed off his long legs when he crossed his legs. The top button of the shirt was unbuttoned and revealed his attractive collarbone. 

His raven hair was styled casually and the way his cerulean eyes looked at them made them had the difficulties to breath. The sharp angle of his handsome face seemed softened through the sunlight and made him looked like a lost angel.

 The sharp angle of his handsome face seemed softened through the sunlight and made him looked like a lost angel

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