Chapter 25: No love, no pain

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Marinette blinked blankly to the closed curtain, listening to the rain outside the house. She barely slept last night and her pillow was still wet from her tears all night. Without telling, she could imagine how terrible she was right now.

Great. Perfect weather for prefect mood. Wasn't it bad enough that she was raining inside already? 

She sniffled and rubbed her sore eyes, sighed mentally to her day off. At least she had a day to stay alone in the room quietly, until she was calm enough to face-

Just thought about that name made her eyes heated up again. She groaned lightly and covered her eyes with her hands, fighting back the tears. She felt so pathetic to herself currently and wished no one was going-

Obviously God was having a day off as well when the door of the room was knocked. Marinette groaned and hid her face in her pillow, refused to open the door. She was not in the best shape and mood for any conversation right now.

She just wanted to stuff her mouth with double chocolate crisps ice cream or a huge jar of Nutella, or maybe a cup of hot double sweet chocolate with marshmallow. She didn't need any comfort, she just needed sweet things to stuff her mouth so she could avoid any conversation.


Marinette flinched to Elias's sudden voice rang in the silent room. She turned to look at him hesitantly and gripped tightly on her bed sheet, avoiding to meet his cold purple eyes.

Elias frowned deeply to the girl's face, not happy with her situation at all. Her eyes were red and puffy from whole night crying and lack of sleep, dark circles appeared beneath her cerulean eyes that lost the usual spark of confidence. Her face was paler than normal, not a slight of redness on her usual rosy cheek.

She looked terrible, totally a mess.

All the words went back when Elias noticed her hands gripping tightly on her bed sheet and the great sorrow and tiresome on her face. He sighed and rubbed his neck, approached her bed hesitantly.

He sat at the end of her bed, keeping a distance which won't made her nervous. Marinette felt her leg was patted awkwardly, the pat was too light that she almost couldn't feel it. The clumsy kindness of Elias made her eyes heated up quickly and sniffled unconsciously, curled herself into a ball.

Elias frowned confusingly to her sudden movement, not sure what to do. He wasn't as good as Diego in comforting the others, especially to female. He wasn't like Felix who was close to Marinette and knew how to deal with her emotional changes.

He looked around and found no sign of Tikki, strangely. He turned back to the sobbing girl and repeated patting her leg awkwardly. After a failed trying of stopping those muffled sobbing, Elias stared at the girl and made the strangest decision he had ever done.

He went to sit next to her pillow, ignored her struggle and pulled her tensed body to him. He put her head on his shoulder while his arms wrapped around her waist securely and his hand stroking her hair gently.

His hands were so gentle and it made Marinette felt like she was a baby, being treated with most kindness and gentleness. She felt her tears became more unstoppable with his sudden change of comfort.

They stayed at that pose until the sobbing stopped and only some sniffle and hiccup left. Elias didn't withdraw from the pose even the girl calmed down, and let her stayed a bit longer in his arms quietly.

Marintette blushed in embarrassment when she withdrew from his arms, noticed the large wet survey on his shoulder. She sniffled and passed him a box of tissue when he frowned deeply to that part of the stained shirt.

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