Chapter 17: Changes of life

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It was almost half a month before the annual auction and the fashion show of the Ecstasy, two months before the Royal ball.

A table full of papers and proposal, curtains behind the desk were shut off the light from the outside to the dark room, Felix's eyes were glued on the screen of his computer, concentrated.

This year auction was a very special event in the high society of London. The Royal families from different countries had donated gazillion of historical antique and modern art pieces.

Furthermore, the Royal family of London even decided to hold a massive dancing ball to celebrate this event and invited Royal families from all around the world to attend.

As the person in charge, Felix needed to make sure everything worked according to the plan perfectly. The stress and tiresome of this job were drawing his strength, mentally and physically.

Why on earth he took this job? There were far more candidates could do better than him, right?

Marcus knocked the door and came in with a tray of tea set. "Master, please take some rest before you continue." He looked at Felix worriedly. 

Since Marinette and Elias went to Paris two weeks ago, Felix had begun his insane working routine. Woke up at 4 in the morning and worked until the midnight. He had his every meal in his room and he barely slept.

Marcus knew Felix was a perfectionist but he thought his master was no doubt over-worked.

"Later, Marcus. Put it on the coffee table." Felix said without moving his gaze from the computer.

Marcus watched Felix continued his work and showed no sign of rest, sighed in defeat. He put the tray on the coffee table and went to the door, before he left, he looked at the young man nervously and sighed frustratingly.

The butler went to the kitchen and decided to cook some healthy snack for Felix. In these weeks, the only thing Felix had eaten was sandwiches and salad.

As the head chief and the butler, Marcus had strongly protested about his eating habit. At the end, he had no choice but agreed to prepare sandwiches and salad for Felix due to his heavy works. He always regretted for agree the deal with Felix.

Just when he rolled up his sleeve, planned to cook the supper, the doorbell rang loudly. Marcus frowned and looked at his personal waist clock, it was almost midnight so who would come at this time?

He went to the door and opened it. His eyes widened in surprise and relief when he saw the visitor. "Mr. Auditore!"

Diego gave him a tired smile and came in. He put his luggage aside and took off his coat. "Nice to see you, Marcus. Where are the others?"

"Master is in his room, and Miss. Marinette and Mr. Auer..." Marcus looked at Diego hesitantly.

"Mari and the King? What happen to them?"

Diego raised up a curious brow to Marcus. The latter pulled the collar of his shirt, cleared his voice.

"...They went to Paris. Two weeks ago."

Diego's eyes widened and he gripped Marcus's shoulder tightly.

"Paris? Marinette and Elias? No one tell me?!" He said with disbelief and shock.

Before Marcus could answer, Diego had released his grip and rushed toward Felix's room. He was so fast that it was impossible for Marcus an old man to catch up. Diego ran to Felix's room and broke into the room, startled Felix who was so concentrated on his work.

"Diego? When did you-"

Before Felix could finish his question, his shoulder had been grabbed by Diego and held him close enough only few inches between him and Diego's nose.

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