Chapter 22: Things once broken, it's hard to go back

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Marcus came out from the kitchen with a tray of hot tea and some light snacks, entered the living room quietly. His footsteps echoed loudly in the grand and silent room.

He looked at the emotionless or shocked faces of the youngsters, sighed mentally and put down the tray. He poured them each a cup of tea and told them to have some snacks before the master returned.

No one raised their heads up to the butler's presence and lost in their own thought. Ever since they were sent back from the auction venue, their mind were blurred and couldn't function properly.

Being caught of trespassing into one of the most important events of the city, being threatened by some filthy paparazzi, being saved by a beautiful lady, and accidentally found out the lady might be their long lost friend...

If this is a nightmare, then they have enough already.

On their way back, almost everyone had considered the possibility that the brave and cool young lady would be their old friend who lost for years. Except Chloe and Marc.

For the former, it was impossible for her to believe that ordinary girl she knew since kindergarten became such attractive young lady. 

It was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! 

If that bakery girl could change like that, then she could believe pigs could learn to fly as well.

For the latter, for the first time he held such confident and pride face in front of his friends. He kept telling the others that his point of views and ensured that he was right firmly. Alya who believed she was the one knew her best friend the most doubted where the boy got his confidence seriously.

So far, no conclusion or decision was made. All they did was sitting inside the living room and waiting for Felix and his cold scolding.

They didn't spend much time with Felix but they all knew they should fear of that blonde. The coldness in his eyes was so obvious that no one could ignore it from the first day they moved in the mansion. Not even Rose who was passionate and warmhearted could melt the ice in that man's heart.

Therefore just to imagine the punishment from the poker face sent shiver to their bones. The similarity between Felix and Gabriel Agreste when both scolded people with the extreme coldness in their voices and the annoyed expressions really sent chills to people's blood.

Almost everyone jumped up from their seats when they heard the door was opened and a new voice rang in the quiet room suddenly. They turned and gasped to the man they saw hours ago next to Marianna, or Marinette.

The man smiled playfully to their reaction and went to sit on a comfortable armchair, crossed his legs and released the knot of his tie.

"Relax, I am not going to eat you all."

His voice in French was incredibly deep low sexy that turned the girls' feet into jelly and made them sit down instantly. The boys exchanged a glance before sat down with the girls as well.

"Um, excuse me, who are you-"

Before Nino could finish his question, Rose's excited screaming interrupted him and shocked everyone including the man himself. They all looked at the girl shook Juleka and Mylene who sat by her sides furiously, grinning excitedly and her eyes were shining brightly.

"Juleka Mylene is him!!!!"

"Um, what are you talking about-"

"Oh my god! Is him!"

This time it was Alix who interrupted Nino and her reaction was quite a surprise to everyone. None of them had ever see the cool girl blushing crazily and smiling like a fan girl before. Kim who was the most shocked one among all, dropped his jaw to Alix's rare reaction.

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