Chapter 7: Origin

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As usual, Marcus went to his master's room with his breakfast tea on his tray. Felix had a habit of drinking a cup of hot tea every morning, in order to wake his brain up from last night work and sleep.

The butler knocked the door and entered. He went to the bed straight and planned to wake master up.

Instead of seeing his master, he widened his eyes when he saw Marinette was sleeping peacefully on Felix's bed. He was so shocked and moved backward a few steps, didn't notice Felix was standing behind him.

"Marcus? What's happen?"

The butler jolted in surprise and almost lost his balance and dropped the tea. He turned and saw Felix was half naked with only a trouser and his hair was wet. He just finished his morning bath and still too hot to put on his clothe.

"Good morning master. Pardon me, may I say a few words to you?"

Felix raised his brow to the serious expression and tone of the old man and nodded. He went to his closet, looking for a new shirt. Marcus stood behind him and cleared his throat.

"Master, I understand a young man like you do have some....necessary need. However, lay your hand to a girl such young age isn't it..."

Before Marcus could finish, Felix turned to him with widened eyes. He looked at him in shock and then replaced by understanding. Marcus looked at him in question. Felix cleared his throat and tried to conceal his laugh.

"Marcus, this is the most hilarious joke I have heard in these years."

Felix said with a smirk and put on his clothe. Marcus blinked and spent some time to understand his master's words. After he figured out, he blushed and coughed in extreme embarrassment.

"I, I do not mean to offend you or Miss Marinette, master. Forgive me." 

The butler bowed with embarrassment and apologized, the tips of his ears were light pink. Felix shrugged and patted the old man's shoulder.

"It's alright, Marcus. We will come down very soon. Don't get something wrong in your mind anymore, my friend."

Felix went to wake up Marinette. Marcus nodded and left the room to the two. He closed the door, took a breath and smiled. Although Felix may not realize, he smiled. The first smile in these years. Marcus hadn't see Felix smile ever since that horrible incident.

Marinette's muffled moaning of tiresome and complaint about waking so early in the morning could be heard from the room. Marcus smiled to the youngsters' conversation before he went down and prepared for the breakfast

He believed Miss Marinette would break the curse on his master, a curse named loneliness.

After being woke by Felix at 6:00 in the morning, Marinette got up and dressed with her heavy eyelids. Tikki saw her dropping her head and yawning, chuckled.

"I think you better get used to it, Marinette."

The tired girl heard her morning call and groaned. Just imagined the rest of her days in London needed to get up this early made her wanted to cry.

She went to the dining room and ate her breakfast slowly. She finished her food right before her first lesson, English began. Felix put the newspaper aside and looked at her. Marinette sighed and nodded unwillingly. 

They went to the library and once again she was amazed by the design of the mansion. She was surprised when she knew there was a library in the mansion but she had never got in to there. She touched the bookshelf and smiled nervously. Her clumsiness really needed to pay extra attention in here.

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