Elias Auer

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The delicious scent of food, the sound of bacon frying on the cooking pan, the gentle jazz music surrounding in the air, the humming and tapping of foot along with the beat of the music, everything was signaling the pleasant mood of the master of the house.

Inside the room, the one and only Elias Auer was currently covering his head with the blanket, trying to block the sounds from the outside. The muffled noises outside his room sent a small frown to his face, the musician hid his face deeply into his pillow and urged himself to fall asleep again.

A gentle hand grabbed the blanket and without hesitation pulled it off mercilessly from the sleeping musician. Next the bright sunlight filled in the room and the sounds of curtains being lifted could be heard.

"Come on. I know you are awake." A cheerful and helpless chuckles rang in the quiet room.

Elias closed his eyes tightly and hid his face in his pillow, the musician slowly sat up on his bed and raised his hand to block the sunlight coming from the window, slowly and painfully opened his eyes.

Marinette giggled toward his response while tidying up the blanket and the bed. She passed a mug of warm lemonade to Elias and left the room first, returned to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast.

Elias emptied the lemonade and dragged his heavy body to the bathroom. He yawned and splashed the water onto his face, woke up his sleepy mind. He picked up his toothbrush and brushed his teeth, listened to the jazz music and Marinette's humming outside the room.

Currently the two were living in Elias's department in Milan, Italy. They had been staying in this foreign country for nearly a month already. According to their original plan, they supposed to leave this country last week.

However, life is always full of unexpected.

Last month---

To be honest, for Elias this probably was the craziest schedule he had in a while. The last time he had such insane schedule was the time when he just entered the music industry, working extremely hard just wish to get any opportunity to show his ability.

Originally, Felix supposed to be the only one who had such crazy plan but somehow the writer's schedule was interrupted with some problems about his work publishing. Therefore, thanked to Taylor Walker that bastard, who dragged Elias to tag along with him to prepare the coming Ecstasy fashion show in Milan in replace of Felix.

Elias frowned deeply and tried to conceal the urge to poison the extremely talkative CEO very difficultly. When the thread of his nerve nearly broke, they had finally and luckily arrived the venue of the fashion show.

Before Taylor, Elias immediately opened the door and dashed out from the suffocating limo. One of the Ecstasy assistant quickly led the two to check around the venue, confirming every detail with the assistants and models.

While Taylor was discussing some details about the stage effect with the assistant, Elias went to check on the music and sounds equipment, giving some useful advice to the staff. He narrowed his eyes when he spotted a familiar bluenette standing below the stage, instructing the models.

As usual, the bluenette was being extra serious and professional whenever it was about work. No wonder he couldn't find her back in the mansion these days, she arrived earlier than everyone else in order to do the preparation well.

Everyone was doing their works extra serious with the coming fashion show. Although this was not the first international fashion show of the Ecstasy but their CEO's careful and serious attitude had successfully tightened their nerves every time.

Not to mention, the person who was in charge of this Milan fashion show, was the famous Marianna.

It had been nearly six years since the first Ecstasy fashion show and the Marianna had basically become the legend of the brand. Whenever the legend was free, Taylor would definitely invited her to be in charge of the fashion show and each show she was in charge of, no doubt be successful.

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