Chapter 31: Ancient memory

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It was a peaceful night, stars shining brightly on the dark sky and the gentle moonlight laid on the grassland quietly. Gentle breeze across the countryside and sent everyone into sleep.

The Agreste mansion seemed normal and quiet as usual, just like every single night.

There was another scene inside the mansion, the reality which was happening within the invisible wall, a battlefield.

Diego gritted his teeth and forced his shaking arm, cut off another mummy's head. Sweat kept rolling down from his forehead to his chin, visible steam could be seen on his sun kissed skin.

Diego panted heavily and couldn't hold any longer, knelt down on one knee but his guard was never dropped for a second ever since the battle began. He heard another painful scream and turned to watch Felix finished a bunch of mummy effortlessly with two swords.

The actor groaned to his sore muscles and placed the spear next to his feet, rubbed his face tiredly. "How many mummy you have killed so far?"

Felix waved his swords and stabbed them into the wooden floor. "Better not to count."

"I can barely feel my arms right now. Damn it." Diego groaned and moved his wrist in circle slowly, exhausted from the continuous fight with endless mummies.

Felix leaned on the wall and checked the situation carefully, confirmed no signs of mummy. The two had been fighting the army of mummies too long and seriously they had lost the track of time after exhausting battles.

"Do you think Mari they are fine?" Diego asked worriedly, cracked his neck side to side.

Felix raised a brow, shrugged. "Marcus is with them."

"Let's hope the old man can protect them all. We have to take down the akuma before things turn worse." Diego frowned deeply, muttered.

"Any idea of the akuma?" The actor asked the poker face. The latter closed his eyes and shook his head heavily.

Diego sighed in frustration to the answer, rubbed his head. "This is far worse than I thought."

"Let's search for the akuma. Finish the akuma then the mummy will disappear."

"Oh really?"

The sudden female voice lift up the nerves of the two men and immediately they entered their battle mood, grabbed their weapons tightly and stared at the voice. Standing at the end of the aisle was an Egyptian woman, smiling mysteriously to them.

"I have no idea I am targeted by two handsome men. What an honor." The woman chuckled and approached the two slowly.

Diego narrowed his glance and threw his spear to the woman but next the woman disappeared or more specifically her body crushed into sand in front of them. The fact that this woman was a powerful enemy than the mummies rang an alarm to the two.

"Watch your back."

Diego widened his eyes and before he could react, a sand rope tied around his neck and chocked him tightly. Felix frowned and threw one of his sword to the place where the woman was standing but again her body crushed into sand when the sword touched her.

Next, Felix felt something aiming his head from behind and ducked immediately before a sand arrow shot him. He rolled aside and stayed on guard with his back behind the wall.


Diego's face turned purple and hands reaching to Felix but the latter ignored him and focused on his surroundings.

Felix held his breathe and listened to any sounds made by the akuma, tried to feel the woman's existence with his sixth sense which always worked perfectly during battle in his experience.

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