Chapter 30: Past, present and future

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Happy New Year everyone! A small new year gift for all of you!

The first explosion was like a warning for the people inside the mansion. Right after the first attack then several explosion followed behind and the power of these explosion were powerful enough to shake the historical mansion.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?!" Diego cursed and dashed out from his room, eyes searching for the direction of the attack.

Felix ran from the other side of the aisle and fell when another explosion shook the mansion. Diego crawled to Felix and grabbed him up, hid behind the railing of the staircase while searching for the sign of enemy.

Felix patted Diego's shoulder and pointed at the window outside the house, a bubble-liked wall covered all over the house and trapped them all within. Without saying the two immediately knew it was the akuma's work, but they didn't understand the reason for the attack.

"Any news?" Diego asked Felix who was looking for any news from the Internet.

Felix shook his head, frowned deeply. "I can't connect with the Wifi, the signal is closed."

Diego cursed quietly and hit the floor hard, eyes glaring at the violet wall outside. Suddenly loud strange noises came from outside the house and the two peeked carefully toward the noises, widened their eyes in shock to the view of countless mummies marching toward the mansion.

"What the...!" Diego growled and stared at those creatures unbelievably.

"We have to gather everyone to the secret chamber. Quick." Felix whispered and moved downward to the second floor where the teens were staying.

When they reached to the floor, all the teens were standing in the corridor with pale face, fear could been seen in their eyes. There was some sobbing due to fear and anxiety already.

Diego covered those crying mouths quickly, checking the number of people. "Don't draw unwanted attention of the downstairs. We will bring you all to safe place."

"Where is Adrien? And the other three?" Felix frowned deeply to the absence of Adrien and Nino those four.

"We don't know, they didn't reply when we knock the door." Alix said nervously, her feet were shaking.

"They are not in their rooms." Max said with a paled face.

Felix frowned to the situation, his anxiety only worsened with the answers. If those four were not in their room, where could they be?

"Felix! Diego!"

Marinette's voice behind them caught their attention, behind the bluenette were the missing four who looked confused and terrified. Felix wished he could scold them sternly for their missing but it wasn't the best timing.

"Marinette, bring them all into the secret passage. Quick!"

Just when Felix finished his sentence, loud cries rang behind them and turned around they could see the mummies walking to them. What the most terrifying part of these mummies wasn't the fact they were mummy but the bandages around them was loosened and revealed the corrupted part of the bodies.

Mylene covered her mouth and turned her head aside and vomited. Marc's feet turned jelly and sat on the floor, tears welled up in those shaking eyes. Compared to these two, the others were nothing better.

"Now!" Diego yelled and grabbed a spear placed on the wall as decoration, rushed toward the mummies.

Felix pushed Marinette aside and followed behind Diego with two swords in his hands, chopped down the heads of the mummies. The scene of the two slaughtering the mummies were terrifying and a few more teens vomited and threw out things in their stomach.

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