Chapter 4: Felix Agreste

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After Marinette found her seat, she took off her coat and lied on her seat immediately, sighing. Tikki raised her head from the satchel, after confirming no one saw her, she flew to Marinette's shoulder.

"Are you alright, Marinette?"

The girl gave her a tired smile and yawned tiredly. She laid her head backward and sighed.

"I'm fine, just really tired. Usually I am still asleep at this time."

Another yawn came out from Marinette's mouth. Usually she would sleep until 8:00. Now it's just 6:00 in the morning. Tikki smiled and patted her chest confidentially.

"We still have around 2 hours before we get there. Take some rest. I will keep an eye for you." 

Marinette nodded and closed her eyes, soon she fell asleep and snored softly. Tikki sat near the window, looking outside quietly. From now on, there's only her and Marinette. They could only trust themselves. She hoped they could find the safety place as soon as possible.

When Tikki opened her eyes again, the sky was completely turned into bright blue already. She must had fallen asleep. She stretched and turned to Marinette who was still sleeping. She smiled and saw there were passengers outside the platform. She looked closely and her eyes widened.

"Oh my! We are here! Marinette, wake up!"

She shook Marinette's shoulder but the sleepy girl waved her back. Tikki tried her best to wake the girl but still she just ignored her. At last, she woke up and looked at her kwami with tiring eyes.

"What Tikki?" She asked in a sleepy voice, rubbed her eyes.

Tikki crossed her arms and looked at Marinette flatly. She pointed out and showed her the train was moving. Marinette frowned and looked at her in question.

"We are going to miss the station, thanks to you."

Tikki said in an emotionless tone. Marinette stayed in silence, not really understood what Tikki said, when her brain finally understood what the kwami meant, she screamed and jumped up.

"What?! Why don't you wake me up?!"

Tikki looked at her holder unbelievably and face palmed, sighed tiredly.

This is going to be tough....

When Marinette realized they were going to miss the train station, she was completely freak out! How could this be? She grabbed her things and rushed to the exit right before the door closed. She sighed and looked at her watch.

"Webetter find our destination as soon as possible." 

Marinette ran to the exit as quick as she could, finally she stood in the street of London. She stretched and took a deep breath. London's air was so much different from Paris. Even now it is summer, it smells wet and heavy, unlike the fresh and dry air of Paris.

She looked at the sky, couldn't believe she had left Paris already. Tikki poked her waist inside the satchel, whispered.

"Marinette, where are we going?"

The girl took out the paper given by Master Fu. An address and an emergency number were written on it.

"I guess we have to find the place by ourselves."

She first went to the information center and saw a red haired lady. She smiled to the lady and asked her about the address, but the lady just frowned at her. Marinette looked at her in question.

"Marinette, you are speaking French!" Tikki whispered inside her bag, reminded the girl most basic thing.

Marinette widened her eyes in realization. She forgot she was not in Paris anymore. Here was London and she needed to speak in English. She gave the lady an awkward smile and spoke in a creaky English.

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