Chapter 11: Mysterious musician

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Felix and Marinette returned to the mansion in London once the filming was over. Diego still got his work and stayed with the team. He promised them he would come to visit them as soon as possible. Once they came home, they were welcomed by Marcus's passionate greeting and a dinner that could feed Napoleon's army.

"Too much."

There was the only words Marinette could say after the dinner. She hiccuped and laid on her bed, sighed in content. Tikki smiled and grabbed her cookie from the jar placed on the desk.

"Marcus really miss you guys."

"I know. I can feel that from the dinner." Marinette sighed dramatically and hiccuped again. 

Next morning it was the rare day off given by Felix who believed the girl needed some proper rest after all the exhausting works. Surprisingly, Marinette went to the gym room and continued her usual routine.

Under the influence of Felix and Marcus's Sparta training, she felt uncomfortable not doing any work out every day already and this idea made her sweated helplessly. She set the timer on the running machine and began her training. She spend her whole day in the gym room until it was almost dinner.

She knew Felix would definitely complain about her scent of sweat if he saw her walked in the dining room without a shower. Therefore, she returned to her room and took a shower before heading to the living room for dinner.

She raised her brow in curiosity when she saw Felix was focusing on his laptop and didn't notice her presence. She approached behind him quietly, ready-

"Don't think about it."

He said without turning his head to her. She sighed in defeat and went to sit next to him, arms placed on the couch, half of her body leaned on the chair back.

'What are you working on? Your book or auction?'

She tried to peek at his laptop but her view was blocked by his hand quickly.

"The next auction will be next month. Until that I can concentrate on my book"

Felix said without raising his head from his laptop. Suddenly, his laptop rang and it seemed like he had received a new email. He opened the email and had a quick look of it but soon he frowned.

"What's wrong?" Marinette asked curiously.

Felix didn't say anything, just gave her the laptop. She looked at him confusingly and turned to the laptop. She took a quick look of the email but soon she also frowned at the content.

"What does it mean?"

She gave the laptop back to him, frowned. He sighed and got back his laptop, placed it on his lap.

"I have no idea. I suggest we should wait for Diego's explanation."

The explanation finally came until next day when Felix and Marinette were having their literature lesson in the library as usual, when Felix was asking Marinette about Shakespeare, Marcus knocked the door and came in, bowed to them.

"What's wrong?"

Marinette raised her head from the thick textbook and looked at the butler curiously.

"Mr. Auditore, master. He is in the living room." 

Felix frowned to the fact that his lesson was interrupted and turned to Marinette. She nodded and went to the living room with him.

"Nice to see you two again!" Diego grinned happily to them when they stepped in the room.

Marinette couldn't help and hugged him back but Felix on the other hand, pushed him away and went to his seat. He crossed his legs, got the tea from Marcus and took a sip of it.

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