Chapter 3: Missing

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Few days ago, Alya received the news that Marinette had a serious fever and she will be absent for the next few days from Ms. Bustier. Alya was worried about her and tried to give her a visit but every time she would refused her with the damn reason of "afraid of affecting you"

Now, it has been a week already.

"Really? What is that girl thinking?!" 

Alya stabbed her food in the plastic plate harder and harder. Her fury was burning seriously now and her facial expression was telling everyone not to mess up with her now.

At last Nino stopped her and she glared at him. He cleared his throat and pointed at her plate. Alya looked down and found out her plate had some cracks on it because of her brutal stabbing. Alya laughed nervously and pretend not knowing what happened, and received a knowing glance from Nino. She turned to Adrien who was staring his food.

"Are you alright Adrien? Are you feeling unwell?" Alya asked with concern. Adrien smiled to them weakly, telling them he was only tired from his modelling.

Alya and Nino exchanged a glance. Since last week, Adrien was acting strange. He bumped his head on the road, day dreaming when they were talking, he even felt asleep in the class! This is nothing like him. Nino patted his shoulder, looked at him with a worried frown.

"Dude, you really worrying us. Care to share?" 

Adrien just waved his hand and leaned on his arm. Alya cleared her throat and changed the subject.

"Hey, I am going to visit Marinette after school. Want to join?"

"Come on man. Let's go to see Marinette, she is having serious fever." 

"Although she might turn us out again. Be prepared." 

Alya crossed her arms, frowned to the thought of being refused again. After a while, Adrien nodded and confirmed they would go to visit Marinette after school.

They met outside the school and they just spent 5 minutes to Marinette's place. 5 minutes' walk from home to school, Alya just didn't understand how that girl could be late for school all the time when she lived so close to the school. 

Nino opened the door and saw the Dupain Cheng couple working together. Even though the scandal did caused some damages to the reputation of the bakery, slowly the customers returned and soon the business of the bakery was back to normal.

"Hello there! What can we help you?" Tom smiled to the youngsters and put down a tray of strawberry tarts.

"We just come to visit Marinette. Is she alright?" Alya asked worriedly.

"She is fine. Her fever finally got down this morning. Now I think she is sleeping." 

Sabine invited them to have seat at their house. The three thanked them and went upstairs. Alya went to the stair that led to Marinette's room but being stopped by Nino.

"Where are you going? Marinette is sleeping." 

Alya rolled her eyes and dragged her boyfriend with her, Adrien behind them. She opened the trapdoor quietly and saw the curtains were down, the room was pretty dark to see.

She motioned them to keep quiet and went into the room. Alya raised a brow to the empty wall, curious when did Marinette take down all the photos, not only Adrien's photo but every photo she took with her friends and classmates.

While the boys were sitting downstairs, Alya climbed to Marinette's bed and saw her sleeping peacefully. She looked at Marinette's face and realized something was wrong. She touched her forehead and felt her hand was melting.

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