Chapter 32: End game

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The astonishment of receiving the new of the death of the guardian Chat Noir.

The great disappointment of her own husband's betrayal.

The fury of seeing those victorious smiles of Anck Su Namun.

The pain of finding out the dead guardian was the one who supported her all these years, the stupid idiot who sacrificed himself for her.

The tremendous rage toward the entire kingdom abandoned Chat Noir, who did so many great things for the land but without receiving the respect and honor he deserved.

These emotion was like a powerful sea wave washed over Marinette when she remembered her last life as Nefertiti, the Egyptian Ladybug.

Chat Noir did nothing wrong, he just trying to stop her but at the end sacrificed himself.

Lila, or Anck Su Namun was right. The Egyptian Chat Noir did died because of her.

She was Nefertiti, the Queen of the Pharaoh of the sacred land, also the secret guardian Ladybug of the land chosen by the Gods.

Her duty as the guardian was to protect the land with her life, further protect the Royal family if it was necessary.

She never see her duty as a guardian of the land as a burden, in fact she was proud of it.

Therefore when she found out her husband was allured by the concubine Anck Su Namun's words and planned a massive military expansion which would bring death to the entire land, her sense of justice as the guardian took over her sense as the Queen.

She tried to convince the Pharaoh to stop the insane military plan over and over again, but the ruler of the kingdom seemed to be hypnosis by the concubine already, he furiously scolded Nefertiti and even warned the Queen he would consider imprisoned her if she dare to interrupt his plan.

When Nefertiti was sent back to the Queen's Palace by maids and soldiers, she knew nothing could stop the Pharaoh's mad plan already, not even the Queen's words could do it. She knew it very well that this military expansion would only bring more harms than benefits to the kingdom.

Therefore, she made a bold and dangerous plan which might got herself killed.

An assassination to her own husband, the Pharaoh.

Their marriage was basically a political marriage, there was no romantic feeling within this marriage. So far Nefertiti just planning to fulfill her duty as the Queen of the kingdom, she didn't care how many concubine Pharaoh planned to have or taken into the palace.

Not to mention the time she was surviving was quite brutal, an age that killing was reasonable and common.

Years of life as Ladybug, defending the kingdom with Chat Noir and fertilized the land with their enemies' blood had made her heart swore loyalty to the duty as a guardian more than as a Queen of the kingdom.

She knew well she was heartless enough to make such decision but to be honest, she really didn't have much strong feeling to the assassination to her husband. Especially after she witnessed the madness he was planning and Anck Su Namun alluring the Pharaoh to continue such insane plan.

Therefore she only felt a moment of guilt and hesitation before she decided to assassinate the Pharaoh.

She prepared for the assassination secretly, made sure no one knew her plan, not even Chat Noir who always stayed by her side all these years, defending the land together.

That's why when she received the news from her maid, saying the guardian Chat Noir attempted to assassinate the Pharaoh and was killed by the latter himself, she was shocked.

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