Chapter 23: Fashion show

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Marinette had no idea how many time she had turned off her alarm already, but her responsibility was calling her to wake up immediately since today, was the fashion show.

She forced herself to get off from bed and went to the bathroom with sleepy eyes. She shivered when the cool water flashed over her face and finally woke her up completely.

"Any preference, Marinette?" Tikki asked when she was searching the song list of the phone.

Marinette shrugged and brushed her teeth quickly, took out the clothe she picked last night. When she stepped into the shower, she heard Tikki chose Happy by Pharrell Williams for today's work, smiled and hummed along with the melody.

"Nothing better than a song wake you up." Tikki giggled and swung her little body with the song.

"Good morning Miss, as your request, a full breakfast that able to let you survive the whole day." Marcus knocked the door and entered the room, smiled.

Marinette smiled and asked him to put the tray on her coffee desk while she was drying her hair. Marcus took the hair dryer and helped the girl to take care her hair while urging her to eat.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the scent of bacon and fried egg spread in her mouth. Ever since she took the role in the fashion show, she had been keeping a very straight diet in order to build up her body in her best shape.

Although she had a nice and healthy body, she knew she needed more workout for reaching the standard of a professional model. With the help of Marcus's diet control and Diego's intense training, she managed to maintain and even improve her body in the best condition.

"Again, wish you luck Miss Marinette." Marcus smiled and bowed, opened the door for her.

Marinette smiled and kissed the butler's cheek, thanked for his support. Before she stepped into the car, she heard her name was called and turned to see Marc rushing down the long staircases with his pajama.

"Marc? What are you doing so early here?"

She put up her sun glass on her forehead and looked at the shy boy surprisingly. It took some time for the panting boy to breathe properly before the explanation.

"I-I heard from Felix that, that you are going to walk the fashion show tonight. So I-I..."

"G-good luck. You can do it!"

Marc looked at Marinette nervously and spoke out his blessing. The latter blinked and smiled to the boy's warm heart encouragement.

"Thank you Marc. It means so much for me."

Marc and Marcus stood at the entrance and watched the car drove away further and further. The butler told the guest breakfast would be ready soon and he could change his clothe before the meal.


Marc stopped and turned to see Luka and Nathaniel standing on the staircase, looked at him curiously. He smiled and greeted the two morning, surprised to see them so early.

"How about you? What are you doing so early?" Nathaniel yawned and asked.

The smile on Marc's face turned nervous to the question, he wasn't sure it was a good idea to tell them the truth or not. It had been a week since that night but still nothing changed between them and Marinette.

Alya still refused to see Marinette and even avoided meeting her in the mansion. Except him, the others maintained silent to the situation and seemed to be waiting for Alya's decision.

He had been trying to rebuild the relationship with Marinette and things went well so far. Although the girl still didn't explain her disappearance for the last few years, he decided to be patient and waited for her to bring it up someday.

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