Chapter 14: Paris

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Marinette was holding her suitcase by her side, listening to Marcus's reminder. She threw a helpless glance to Felix but he just shrugged and smirked. She threw him a glance dagger and forced a smile to Marcus, tried her best not to punch Felix and the other.

The old butler looked at Marinette nervously, bombarded her with countless question ever since they left the mansion to the airport.

Barbara finally burst out an annoyed growling and waved her hands in the air dramatically.

"Marcus! You are wasting Marinette's time!"

The butler blushed a bit to his over-reacting and cleared his voice, stood back and apologized to Marinette for his behavior. She shook her head and told him was fine. Barbara pushed Marcus aside gently and went to Marinette.

"Do you need anything else? We still have time before your plane." Barbara cupped her face in her hands, asked.

Marinette smiled and shook her head. Barbara smiled back and tugged the girl into a bear hug.

"I will miss you so much, Mari. Call us if you need our help." Barbara stroked her cheek and smiled softly.

Next, Will came to Marinette and gave her another bear hug, made the girl laughed as he span her around.

"Take care of yourself, lady. Don't get lost."

Will winked at her playfully. She smiled and punched his shoulder lightly. Marcus bowed to her with a sad smile.

"It's my honor to take care of you, Miss Marinette. Please take care and continue fencing practice in Paris."

Marinette looked at the old man's face and sighed. She nodded and gave him a hug. At first he was a bit surprised but then he returned her a tight hug. He pulled away from her and wiped off his tear.

Finally, Marinette turned to Felix who crossed his arms and stood aside all the time. She opened her arms, waiting for him but he just smirked.

"What? You want a hug?"

Marinette rolled her eyes and sighed to his teasing tone. She turned back to the bunch of people behind her who kept on wiping off their tears and sniffing, sighed helplessly.

"You guys know I will come back soon, right?"

She raised a brow and put her hands on her waist. Barbara sniffled and took out another piece of tissue, wiped off her tears. 

"Who knows will you change your mind and stay at there?"

The others nodded in agreement to Barbara's words, sniffled. Marinette shook her head helplessly and went to Elias who waited for her all the time. Elias shrugged and took her luggage. They waited for the others to catch up and went to the gate. Soon, they heard the announcement of their plane and Marinette knew it was time to say goodbye.

"I will be back soon, so please stop crying."

She smiled and waved them goodbye. Everyone except Felix nodded sadly and watched the two entered the entrance. Marinette gave out her passport and ticket, ready to leave.

"Catch it!"

Marinette turned back to the voice quickly and saw a small box flew to her. She got it in her hands swiftly and looked at the smirking blonde who threw it.

She opened the box and found a platinum ring in it. She covered her mouth with surprise and looked at Felix who smiled to her. Elias went to her and raised a brow to the ring. She smiled and raised up the box, smiled brightly.

"See you again, Agreste."

She spoke in a loud voice deliberately and as she expected, people around them turned their gaze to Felix immediately. The young man paled at people's staring and glared at Marinette while the latter just shrugged and poked out her tongue to him playfully.

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