Adrien Agreste

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Sabine put the last piece of toast on the plate and a box of cereal on the table, wrapped her wet hands with the towel and moved to the trapdoor of her daughter's room.

She knocked few times, heard behind the trapdoor. "Sweetie, remember to have your breakfast before school. I'm going to help your father now."

Just few minutes after Sabine left the house, Marinette came out from her room with her phone in her hands, talking to the person on the other side of the phone.

Tikki helped the girl to pour the milk into the bowl full of cereal, pushed the jar of jam and plate of butter next to the toast. The kwami placed her hands around her waist and looked at the girl quietly, tapping her little foot.

Marinette smiled helplessly to her kwami's impatient mood, finished the call immediately and moved to her seat.

"Hurry up, you are running out of time." Tikki flew to grab a piece of cookie for breakfast, said.

"You've been impatient these days, Tikki." Marinette sighed and took a bit of her toast.

"Just don't want you to be late." The kwami said without raising her head from her breakfast.

Marinette raised a brow to her kwami's answer but didn't say anything. She noticed Tikki had been recently impatient in the morning, always urging her to finish her breakfast as soon as possible and headed to school immediately.

She had been considering the reason for the change of mood of the kwami but still no conclusion had been made until this day.

The bluenette's phone vibrated on the table and before the girl picked up the phone, Tikki had already said out the person whose calling.

"It's Adrien! Come on!"

Marinette blinked confusingly to her sudden passionate and energetic kwami, being pushed by the kwami to the door with her bag in her hands already. Although she was confused by the situation, she picked up the call on her way to downstairs.

"Good morning Marinette. Have your breakfast already?" Adrien's gentle and cheerful voice came from the phone.

"Morning. I just finish my breakfast. Need anything?" Marinette left her house and entered her family bakery, greeted her parents goodbye.

"I'm fine, meet you the same place?"

"Sure. See you." Marinette nodded and grabbed a freshly baked croissant from the tray before she left the bakery.

Marinette went to the park not too far away from her home and soon she spotted a blonde standing next to the fountain. The blonde spotted Marinette and waved his hand happily with a cheerful smile on his face.

Adrien went to Marinette and took her bag, smiled. "Ready to go?"

Marinette smiled and went to the back seat of the bicycle placed next to the fountain, wrapped her arms gently around Adrien's waist and let the blonde rode their way to school.

The weather was perfect that the gentle February breeze kissed every inch of her skin, waking her lazy bones up for the morning class and the warm sunlight shined on her back made Marinette had the urge to spend her lunch break in the park for sunbathing.

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