Untitled Part 5

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After thirty minutes of being lost in my aunts' compound, I finally made it to the pool. I was tempted to jump off the balcony if I hadn't. I can now get to the seven other bedrooms in the house and the living room which by the way holds the largest T.V. I've ever seen or even knew existed. Their library has more books than any public library could wish for, I'm thankful for that I have a feeling I'll have a lot of alone time here. Of course, the fitness room is comparable to any large chain fitness center. Maybe I can start working out, nope not going to happen.

I step out the sidling glass doors then close them behind me. I turn and notice an elegant white dinner table on the patio. An aqua blue umbrella hovers over in the middle providing shade from the bright sun. Twelve stunning chairs surround the table, each with its own matching aqua blue cushion. In the middle of the table is a glass dish filled with culinary cut fresh fruits next to that is a basket of varies muffins.

"Betsy dear over here," Cathy beckons as she motions for me to join her. I'm blinded momentarily from the glare of her giant rock on her finger. "Are you hungry or thirsty? You have to try the lemonade it's freshly made and simply delicious." I sit slowly. "Let's eat you will need the energy we have a busy afternoon ahead of us." I grab for a muffin as she starts talking again. "I will cover the house rules as we eat." I take in a sharp breath and chock on my muffin, I attempt to recover up with a fake dry cough. This should be interesting. I chew slowly, watching my aunt as she continues. "First, always have fun your only young once. Secondly, stay out of trouble we have a very well known and respected reputation in this community. Lastly, keep up your studies, your education is very important for your future." She flashes an expensive white perfect smile at me.

"That's it? Are you kidding?"

"Yes, dear that's it. Is there a problem?" She doesn't wait for me to answer, "can you not meet our requests?" Cathy lifts a single eyebrow.

"No, no problem. Yes, I can do all that." Relief spreads through my body, a smile plays across my face.

"Ok good then, let's move on." Cathy's shoulders relax. "Betsy this is for your spending money." She slides a black credit card across the table, I glance down and notice my name inscribed on it.

"What do I need that for?" My voice squeaks, I shift nervously in my chair.

"Dear I can't always be with you," confusion takes over her face. She extends her perfectly manicured hand to push the card closer. "If you want something or need anything now you have the ability to get it." A slight smile full of questions appears on her face.

I reach for the card with hesitation, my hands unsteady. "I'm sorry Aunt Cathy, this is all very new to me." I lower my burning face.

Cathy places her fingers under my chin lifting my head so I 'm eye level with her. "You'll be accustomed to this new life style very quickly dear, I promise." She says with a sparkle in her eyes. With speed and grace, she places a set of keys in my hands. "Come with me dear and bring the keys." She stands quickly.

With limp posture I follow as she leads me down a stone pathway alongside the thick green lawn. The scent of fresh cut grass enters my nose. As we reach the side of the house my eyes widen. There's a yellow H2 Hummer sitting in the driveway. This has been my dream car for as long as I can remember.

"That's a nice truck Aunt Cathy," I rub my forehead. "Um," I glance around the grounds searching for clues, trying to understand what was going on, the truck is not her style.

Cathy tilts her head to the side. "It's yours dear, all you ever talked about was having one. What did you think the keys are for?"

My cheeks burn under my skin. "I thought they were the house keys. Aunt Cathy I don't even have my driver's license." I fumble with the keys.

"Peterson can drive you until you get your license. No worries and now you have a vehicle waiting for you." Cathy cautiously takes a step closer to me, "dear do you not like the truck?" She raises her perfectly arched brows.

I grab my aunts' arm. "Oh... like it... no..." her eyes widen. "Wait I'm trying to say that I love it. I'm sorry again I'm trying to take all this in. Thank you so much." I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

Cathy walks into the garage and slid into a grey 7 series BMW. I smile, now that's more her style.

"Come on dear let's go shopping." I'm way too emotionally drained to put up a fight. Plus, I know my aunt well enough to know I won't get my way. I shrug my shoulders, march to the car, open the door and slid into the passenger seat.

Cathy's tires squealed as she pulls into an empty spot. "Wow, this is nice."

"Betsy dear it's a parking garage." She giggles as we walk towards a glass elevator. The doors open, "after you." Cathy gestures.

The doors ping and slide open, my eyes widen. I've never seen anything like this before, I frantically blink, "is this a dream?" Cathy smiles and shakes her head. "It's nothing like the strip malls back home." I say softly. The Plaza is shiny and clean and there's a wonderful sweet aroma circling through the air. I tilt my head back, close my eyes and inhale. Opening my eyes, I notice different shades of green draping the railings around the open atrium that displaying three sprawling floors of shops. Never in my life had I imagined I'd be standing in front of these high-end stores. "Oh, aunt Cathy its Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Gucci, Tiffany's all right in front of me." I place my hands over my heart trying to control the pounding from the somersaults it's doing behind my rib cage.

"Yes, it is dear. I take it your impressed." I nod enthusiastically. But at the same time, the unknown takes over. I have no idea what to expect shopping with Cathy. I tug at the hem of my shirt and my legs became rooted to their spot.

Cathy nudges me. "Come on dear the clothes won't come to us. Let's go indulge in some retail therapy." She pulls my hand as we move towards Sephora. "Baby steps my dear. Let's start simple with makeup." She smiles.

After about an hour I transform into a shopping pro. We moved from store to store in a flowing motion. Every store we entered my aunt would assign me a personal shopper. I'd pick out the clothes I like, and They'd hold them for me. When I finished, my assistant would usher me into a fitting room. I'd try on the clothes and model what I liked for my aunt. She'd smile, nod and wave me back into the fitting room. Everything I liked she told a sales associates to take up to the register. At the end of the day we needed help carrying out all our bags.

"Aunt Cathy that was amazing," I say as my body sags into the passenger's seat. "I got more clothes, shoes and accessories today than I have in my entire life. Thank you so much for everything. This was the best day ever." I grin a totally goofy smile.

"My dear the adventure of your life has only just begun." She winks, smiles and snakes her arm around my shoulder giving me a slight squeeze.

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