Untitled Part 27

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I watch Sophia pull up in front of the house and park before I rush out to greet her. "I'm so glad your finally here Dior has been acting so weird, its creeping me out." Sophia climbs out of her car, shutting her door. "She's acting like everything is normal. Well it is normal but for her to act normal is what's freaking me."

Sophia walks to her open truck, placing her hand on her hip. "She has been strange lately, like you said 'normal' which is for sure strange for her." Sophia shrugs, "maybe she found a new guy and moved on." She leans into her trunk, pulling out suitcases.

"I don't know, but I am not letting my guard down yet." We both giggle. My eyes dart to the mountain of suitcases next to Sophia's feet. I point to the ground, "do you need any help with all those?"

"Yeah, will you take this one please?" She hands me a small Louis Vuitton rolling suitcase. "just one." I smirk, wrapping my hand around the handle.

I look over my shoulder at Sophia trying to balance her luggage up the stairs. "This is going to be so much fun it will be like we're roommates. You are only staying for a week, right?" I eye her luggage with a sarcastic face.

Sophia sighs, "yes, I'm a heavy packer. I like to have more than I need instead of not having enough."

My door was slightly opened, I bump my hip for it to open completely. "Sophia you live down the street, not across the country."

"I know it's a sickness." Sophia sticks out her bottom lip, pulling her suitcase a crossed my room.

I roll my eyes and giggle. "Whatever makes you feel at home." I wave my hand. "Put your stuff in the closest there's plenty of room." My phone rings, I drag my finger over the screen. "Hello."

Dylan's velvet voice moves through the phone, "Hi baby what time do you want to watch a movie?"

"We have to be at the Orphanage by nine so let's make it an early night. How about heading over in an hour, plus that will give Sophia time to unpack everything she brought over?" I laugh at my own joke as Sophia sticks her tongue out at me.

"Sounds good, I can't wait to see you Betsy."

"Me neither. Hey, wait what do you want to eat?"

"Ladies pick dinner this evening. Bye babe see you soon." I left earth and went to daydream land.

"Hello...Hello earth to Betsy are you here?" Sophia snaps her fingers in my face. "What did Dylan say?"

"Sorry." I shake my head, "he'll be here in an hour. He said we pick dinner what do you want Chinese or pizza?"

"Let's have pizza and by the way I'm so happy you and Dylan are together, I just wanted to say that again." Sophia wrinkles her nose. "You two are perfect for each other." Sophia wraps her arms around my neck, squeezing me close.

An hour later the doorbell rings. I bolt out of my room as fast as I can before anyone else, mainly Dior has a chance to get there before me, but I'm not fast enough.

"I'll get it." Dior chimes as she takes long strides, extending her hand as she gets closer. I knew I couldn't beat her, I slow my walk, casually far behind her.

Dior rips open the front door smiling. "Hey Dylan, what's up?" She asks totally out of character. "Your number one girl is waiting for you." Dior tilts her head, "why are you standing there its cold get in here?" She steps to the side gesturing with her hand, but he doesn't move. "Come on get in here." Dior wraps her long fingers around his coat sleeve pulling him through the doorway. I can't believe what I'm seeing or hearing, what the hell is she up to? I grab Dylan's hand interlocking our fingers, pulling him close to me. His eyes bulge, then dart down to mine. A smile takes over his face as he pulls me even closer dipping down, he kisses me softly.

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