Untitled Part 10

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Dior turns into a driveway that's decorated with a medieval black iron gate, she creeps past the gate and up the long driveway. We pass hundreds of luxury cars, but my eyes pop and fix at the end of the drive. A castle stands tall and massive, seriously a real live castle no joking. The only thing I don't see yet is a moat or a draw bridge. On both ends are circular towers that lightly glow under the full moon.

"Is this Nate's house?" I ask with a quiet voice and dry mouth.

"Yeah." Dior creases her eyebrows and shakes her head. "Your so strange sometimes." She says under her breath as she weaves slowly through a line of people filling from the driveway towards the stone steps. She beeps her horn and they disperse around her car as she parks right in front of the stairs. I slump lower in my seat why didn't she just add a spotlight on me, this can't get any worse.

I shake my head. "Is this a normal turn out for his party's?" I rub my hands up and down my jeans as I peer out my window.

"Normal turn out." She rolls her eyes. "Please its's still early don't worry way more people are going to show up." Dior says with a monotone voice as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm not worried. I've just never seen a party like this." My body stiffens and my breathing becomes rapid, I hope I don't hyperventilate.

"Betsy what are you freaking out for you're still sitting in the car we aren't even in the party yet." Dior is half in, half out of her door. "Earth to Betsy. Are you going to sit in my car all night?" She slides out completely and flips her clutch under her arm, tapping her foot.

"No. I'm not. Let's go." I slump over and follow Dior up the long stone stairs, small spotlights shine on each wide step lighting my path to social doom. The closer we get, the louder the music and voices grow.

"Ready," Dior asks once we finally reach the double wooden doors. My heart drops to my stomach. My subconscious is screaming no but I reply with a nod.

Body heat emerges from the boisterous house, music and voices escapes through the open doors, the mood is so dense I can see it swirl around me. I peak inside from the doorway, bodies fill the main room and spill into every other room.

Dior steps inside, "I'm here." Every person cheers and screams like she's a celebrity.

"Over here." Nic and Sophia yell, their hands waving high above the massive crowd of heads. Dior glides ahead of me, I fight my way through the crowd of bodies.

"What would you like to drink Betsy?" Nic screams over the music. She leans against the bar batting her lashes at the handsome bartender. This isn't just a pop-up bar its built into the wall of the house. Glass shelves line halfway up the wall with soft illuminating lights that shine perfectly on the premium liquors.

"Good evening beautiful lady's, what can I get you to drink?" He asks, resting his arm over the counter towards us. His dark hair pushed back showing off hazel eyes. Nic's cheeks flush.

"Do you have a name?" She slithers her hand over his forearm.

"Brad." He replies with a husky voice and a wink.

"Geez. Four Cosmo's." Dior shouts, shoving Nic to the side. "A girl needs her drink, you can flirt once I have a drink in my hand. Chop chop Brad?" Dior snaps her fingers. Nic clinchs her jaw and narrows her eyes.

Sophia steps in the middle of them, "Dior what took you guys so long I thought you were leaving when we did?"

Brad slides four cosmos towards us, "your drinks ladies." He gives a smile exposing a dimple.

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