Untitled Part 17

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After curling the last strain of hair, I flip my head down fluffy the curls out. I whip my head up, tuck some hair behind my ear. I examine my reflection, nice change from my straight hair. I scan over my lashes to check for any smudges. Nodding with approval, I grab my phone off the counter and walk out of my bathroom. My phone vibrates. I swipe the lock off, Dylan: I can't wait to see you tonight. I smile, my fingers type Me: Me too! I toss my phone on the bed and walk into the closet. Sophia hates waiting, I need to hurry. I scan my closet with a large smile on my face I still can't believe all these clothes belong to me. I shake my head I have to concentrate and be ready on time. As I dress, I start to worry about how the last party at Nate's went for me. While Dylan saving me was good, the rest was not. No drugs tonight I'll make sure of that. I am on full guard with Nate. I tug black over the knee boots on and zip them. My reflection stares back with a wink. Good choice, a simple tight black sweater with black skinny jeans. I'll be warm and look awesome. I flip off the light, grab my purse as I dash out the door.

No, no, no. I hear Dior leaving her room. I walk as fast as I can in heels towards the stairs. Nope, not fast enough.

"Where the hell are you rushing off to?" Dior hisses with her hands on her hip.

"Nate's..." BEEP saved. "Welp gotta do Dior my rides here." I take off down the stairs gripping the hand rail for dear life. The sound of her heels clicking trails behind me. I pick up the pace. So, does she. I reach the door, yank it open and sprint to Sophia's waiting car.

Slamming the door, I scream. "Go." This is one of the reasons why I love Sophia so much, she didn't even question me. She presses the gas as we speed away from the house. I glance over my shoulder. Dior's standing in the doorway flaring her arms, I watch her mouth move. Thank god I can't hear what she's screaming.

My eyes dart towards the end of the drive I chant, "please, please be open. Yes." I slump back into my seat as Sophia speeds through the guard's station.

Once we are away from the house Sophia slows her speed. She snaps her head towards me. "What the hell was that about." Well, she doesn't question me at the moment of panic, she waits till it has passed.

I stick out my bottom lip. "Sorry. I ran into Dior in the hall, she started asking where I was going and followed me out o the house."

"She's nuts but whatever I'm done talking about her. I have something for you." She lifts a folded piece of paper off her lap.


She huffs, "just take it and open it." I unfold the paper, squinting.

"Can I turn on the light it's too dark to see."

"Yes of course."

I tap the overhead light, lift the paper directly under it. My eyes go wide, then dart to Sophia. She's acting like she's only paying attention to the road, but I know she's watching me. I stare at the handwriting, its sophisticated. The letter reads:


I can't wait to see you tonight.

Also, I can't stop thinking about you and our hug the other night.

See you soon,


I read it nine times before I speak. "Did you read this? I glance up at Sophia.

She nods. "I'm sorry. He told me I could. He said 'I have nothing to hide from you Sophia. You know how I feel about her.' I wasn't going to, it seemed so personal, but I did." She glances over at me. "Are you mad at me?"

"What? No, not at all. I'm in shock, but not mad."

"Betsy I'm so sorry for reading it I shouldn't have."

What she's saying finally registered, "Sophia I don't care that you read it. I'm in shock that he wrote it." Waving the letter in front of us.

Sophia tilts her head, "Why? You know how he feels about you and that feeling only grows every day."

"I have never gotten a letter from anyone, ever."

Sophia laughs. "Yeah me neither, wait that's a lie some boy wrote me letter in the third grade. I have a feeling that tonight is going to be interesting." I laugh at her, dropping my letter in my purse.

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