Untitled Part 28

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It's two days before Christmas, which happens to be my favorite holiday. I climb out of my bed, reach my arms over my head and stretch all the way down to my toes. I walk over to the French doors and watch as a Holiday Season truck drives down the driveway. I hurry to my closet, throw on a pink jogging suit. Yanking open my door I step into the hallway. I become energized, as I transform into a kid in a candy store, spinning in circles my eyes dancing in every direction. Lights twinkle high and low from all over the place. Every window has a large wreath hanging in it. Holiday music has taken over the interior of the house.

I run straight for the kitchen I know my aunt is always in there. Yes, she's sitting at the table. "Wow Aunt Cathy the house looks amazing. I love it." I press my hands into my knees, inhaling deep.

"I'm glad you approve." She giggles.

"But wait you already had decorations up didn't you like those?" I lean back on the island, grabbing a banana.

"Oh, of course I liked them however tonight is our towns annual Christmas Gala we needed a little more festivity." She rises her perfectly arched brows in my direction. I pinch mine tilting my head. "Betsy dear tell me you have a dress for tonight?" She takes a sip of her coffee, her eyes staring at me over the rim. Her unsteady hand lowers her mug onto the table.

"Um...What...No I knew nothing of this party thing." Stopping mid-bite, laying the banana on the counter.

"Gala dear not party." She shakes her head in disbelief. "You must run to the Plaza and get a dress right now. Would you like Dior to go with you?"

Absolutely not. I don't want her to go anywhere with me I thought but didn't say out loud. I compose my face giving her a half smile. "It's ok, I'm sure Sophia or..." I stop, bit down on my lip, wondering if she knows Dylan and I are a couple.

She finishes my sentence for me, "or Dylan. Is that what you were going to say?" I nod. "Dear I hope he doesn't sneak around with other girls behind your back like he did with Dior." She sighs shaking her head. "I really thought he was a good guy." My eyes go wide. "Dear you must have heard or maybe it was going on before you arrived." Cathy rubs her finger on her chin, "no they definitely broke up after school started. Hold on we'll get to the bottom of this." I gasp. "Dior will you come to the kitchen." Cathy bellows over her shoulder. Ok seriously even if she is home, this house is so big she will ever hear.

"Aunt Cathy it's no big deal I have to..." But I'm playing it safe and escape out of the house. No coat I run straight to my truck. Thanking the higher deity's that I had left my keys and purse in here last night.

I drive quickly down the driveway breezing through the open security gate. Dylan, Sophia and I have done everything in our power to avoid Dior since Thanksgiving. I can't stand to look at her or be near her. I can't believe the lies she told her mom about Dylan that's not fair, now she hates him. My cell echoes through the Bluetooth.


"Hi babe what's up?" A velvet voice fills my truck making me smile.

"I ran out of my house because my aunt called for Dior to come to the kitchen. I had to get out of there before she did. Now I'm heading to the plaza."

"Come get me I'll go with you, up I need to pick up my tux."

"Ok, I guess I have to get a dress for some party tonight."

"What...Betsy you don't have a dress and it's not a party it's a gala." His stern voice seeps through my speakers,

"No, I don't. Why is everyone so shocked by this?"

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