Untitled Part 26

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The moment I open the front door my aunt rushes from the kitchen towards me. "Betsy don't forget about Thanksgiving dinner Thursday night and please be on time and dressed appropriately." She gives a brief smile, pivots on her toes and waltzes back to the kitchen. Wait is she saying I don't dress appropriately. I shake my head, continuing my exit from the house.

Pushing my way through the crowed hallway, I chat with Sophia. "I can't believe it's the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. I'm super excited I need a time out from school." Sophia nods in agreement. "It's not that our classes are hard, we just have so many assignments, always."

"I couldn't agree more with you. I've been counting down to this break since the third day of school." Sophia shrugs, giggling.

As we enter Econ class our teacher is already talking. "Quiet class take your seats. I have an important announcement." She interlocks her hands. "I need volunteers for the Children's Orphanage Annual Thanksgiving Feast. It takes place this Saturday." She waits. "Anyone?" She rocks back and forth on her heels.

"Do we have any plans on Saturday?" Dylan asks, his breath grazes my ear. A smile spreads over my face, I love it when he asks me, 'what our plans are', it will never get old.

"No, I can't think of anything besides dinner Thursday night."

"Let's volunteer then ok." Dylan says, raising his hand.

I nod, "sure." My hand shoots up.

Sophia screeches, "count me in too I love kids." The entire class raises their hands and chants, "we're in also."

At last, our teacher breaths as a relaxed smile crosses her face. She claps her hands, "ok listen you must arrive at the Orphanage around 9 am to help set up also. This is a wonderful experience and the kids love it."

Dylan grabs my hand as we leave class. I take a few steps then run smack into someone. Dior's shrill voice runs through me, "watch where you're going trailer trash whore. Have you stool anyone else's boyfriend lately, or just mine?" Her icy blue eyes cut through me causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I steady my balance. "Give me a break Dior you cheated on him I didn't steal him. You're the only one to blame for your break up." Dior draws her head back quickly.

Dylan steps in front of me like a protector. "Dior go on with what you were doing and leave us alone."

"Dylan talk to me please." Her eyes roll towards the back of her head as he collapse to the ground. Gasps erupt around us.

"What did you do now Betsy?" Nic hisses running to Dior. "Someone get help. Help. Why are all you just standing around?" Nic screams. A few teachers rush over, bending down next to Dior. Mr. Stone, the shop teacher scoops up her lifeless body, carrying her down the hall.

"The shows over everyone get to class," The principle orders. Everyone disperses like bugs.

Sophia takes my wrist. "Come on let's get to P.E."

"Bye see you after school." I say to Dylan and blew him a kiss.

"I'll be waiting for you." He smiles with a wink.

The P.E. teacher yells, "Butler down to the office now their asking for you." I roll my eyes, push off the bleachers then head to the office.

I open the door the first thing is see is Dior slouched over in one of the red leather chairs in front of Mrs. Monroe's desk.

"Here she is, please take a seat Betsy." Mrs. Monroe say, gesturing for me to sit in the empty red chair next to Dior. "We seem to have a matter on our hands that needs to be resolved quickly." I glare at Dior who gives me a quick evil glare in return.

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