Untitled Part 20

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A few weeks later I shocked everyone including myself. I accepted one of Jax's many offers to take me on a date.

"Wait...What...Are you serious Betsy." He said running his hands over the hair on the top of his head.

I giggle. "Yes Jax."

I'm still trying to figure out why I finally agreed to a date. Maybe because he was persistent, in a considerate way. Also, I've been feeling lonely lately. Sophia's on vacation with her family on some tropical island somewhere. So, I caved and agreed to a date.

Jax said he'd be here around 7. I take a few steps in front of the bay window only to turn and walk back. If he doesn't show up soon, I'm going call and cancel. Headlight flash a crossed the living room, never mind it's too late to turn back now. I take a deep breath, walking towards the front door.

Jax exists quickly from his gun metal Hellcat, scurrying around to open the passenger door for me. "Betsy you look beautiful." Dylan's voice moved through my ears except he isn't here.

Up until this moment he's the only guy to ever tell me that. I shake my head attempting to remove all thoughts of him. He's the one who ghosted me. "Are you ok?" Jax's voice brought me back to here and now.

I glance up at him, wow he's so good looking and polite. I smile. "Yeah, sorry I'm ready."

Jax looks mournfully down, "are you sure about this Betsy?"

I stand on my tip toes, lifting my chin to look into Jax polite eyes, placing my hand on his broad chest. "Yes. I'm sure." I watched his uncertainty float away, as he smirks. "Now can we go I'm starving."

Jax gestures to the car. "Yes. I made reservations at Mia's." My brows crease. "It's an Italian restaurant downtown. It's my favorite. I was thinking maybe a movie after." He examines my face. "If that's ok with you." He holds my gaze.

I climb into the car, look up at Jax's grey eyes. "Yes of course it's ok I love Italian food and movies." A genuine smile appears over his face. I get the feeling he's more nervous about this date than me. Though I can't for the life of me understand why.

Jax nods, closes my door, walks around opens his door and slides into the driver's seat. He brings the engine to life, proceeds down the long drive, pausing at the gate.

The night guard peaks his head out, "good evening Ms. Butler." I wave and nod. Jax drives slowly out onto the street.

I watch Jax out of the corner of my eye, his big hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. He inhales. "How do you like it here so far?" Exhaling.

I smile. "It's growing on me." I face his direction he smiles from his eyes. We fall into a perfectly flowing conversation. It isn't awkward or forced. I didn't have to put any thought into the questions I asked him. He didn't miss a beat with a response then follow with another question.

We talked the entire drive and while walking to our table.

My eyes dart around the crowed restaurant. The dim lighting only allowed a glimpse of other people's faces. White linens drape the table tops with a candle flickering in the middle. Jax pulls out a chair for me. I smile. "Thank you."

Half way through dinner, my clutch vibrates on the table. Ignoring it I keep my attention on Jax, but it continues to vibrate.

He tips his chin towards my purse, "maybe you should get that it seems pretty important."

"No, its fine. Only a few people have my number." I wave my hand.

"Ok." He takes another bite of his food, swallowing then grins. "So, what's your favorite..." My purse continues to vibrate. "I can't take it anymore will you please look and see who is calling you." He says dryly. My body froze momentarily. I lay my fork on my plate then pull out my phone. Unlocking the screen, my breathing becomes heavy and uneven, twenty-one missed calls from Sophia. My dinner is now retracing it path.

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