Untitled Part 31

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The sun nearly at the horizon sends a dull ray of light through my window. I tell myself go back to sleep, but I can't take it anymore its Christmas morning and my mind knows this. Jumping out of bed I dash through my door towards the stairs at top speed. This is my favorite morning of the whole year. Well that was until I woke up in Dylan's arms, now those are my favorite mornings. But still there's something about Christmas morning that warms my heart. It has nothing to do with present because we never really had money for them. I shrug then bounce down the stairs, taking in all the decorations a smile stretches over on my face.

I pad across the foyer take one step towards the living room. It's as if I hit a glass wall, my smile turns down. "Hello is anybody here?" I call towards the living room. A mountain of untouched presents sit under the enormous tree. Where is everyone? Oh, they must still be at the hospital with Dior. I lean against the doorway, drop my head, shit this Christmas is going to suck.

DING DONG chimes through the house, I stagger back a few steps. Who's at the door this early and on a holiday?

I walk to the door, turn the handle, yank it open. A flush of adrenaline tingles through my body. "Mom what are you doing here?"

"Now is that anyway to greet your mother on Christmas?" She arches a brow at me. "Are you going to move out of the way or at least invite me in from the cold?" Identical smiles stretch over our faces.

I step to the side, "of course get in her. Mom I'm so surprised you're here. I had no idea you were coming, why didn't you tell me?" I rub my eyes and focus to insure she is really standing in front of me.

Mom giggles. "Did you really think I'd miss Christmas with you? Plus, I thought the surprise would be great" I gesture her in. "And it was your face was priceless." She drops her suitcase along with a gift bag of presents. Mom places her hands on my shoulders, grins, then pulls me in for a much-needed hug. Mom's hugs always heal my pain, either she takes it way or squeezes my broken pieces back together. "I missed you so much Betsy, where is everyone?" Mom takes a step forward, pivots on her toes, her eyes wildly dance around. "My, this place is huge, but you fit right in my sweet Betsy." She winks.

"Mom we should go sit down I have to talk to you. I have a lot to tell you." I bit my cheek.

She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head. "Ok. Lead the way."

We sit on the couch side by side as I explain to my mom everything that's been going on both good and bad. Right up to the part when the paramedics took Dior away.

"Oh gosh Betsy why didn't you tell me or say anything sooner? We talk once a week..." The doorbell rings again.

I hold up my finger, "let me go see who's at the door, today is full of surprises." I say over my shoulder, while adjusting my sleepy pants.

I open the door a smile plays across my lips. "Merry Christmas babe I tried calling but you didn't answer or reply to my text. Is everything ok?" My eyes take in Dylan standing in the doorway a stocking cap pulled down to his thick eye brows and a black coat zipped up to his chin. He's holding a blue box with a white ribbon and a gift bag in his ungloved hand.

"Sorry I left my phone upstairs. Come in I want you to meet my mom." I take his hand and squeeze, unzip his coat and toss his hat on the floor.

"She's here...now?" Dylan stutters, sliding his coat off.

"Yes, come on." I shut the front door, his feet stumble behind as I pull him into the living room. "Mom, this is Dylan my boyfriend. Dylan this is my mom Carrie." I rock back on my feet.

"Very nice to meet you Ms. Butler." He extends his hand and she rises to her feet.

"It's so nice to put a name with a face." Her arms wrap around him. "From what Betsy has told me you are her knight in shining armor." She pats her small hand on his back, pulling away.

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