Untitled Part 23

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Saturday is finally here, not that I'm super excited about another party at Nate's, but it'll keep me and my mind occupied. This week has been awful. Neither Dior or Dylan have been at school much.

As I make my way down to the kitchen for a snack, all I can think about is how much I miss Dylan and our electrical volts. "Hello dear, are you going out this evening?" Cathy asks.

I'm pulled out of my memory by Cathy's voice. "What?" Pinching my brows.

"I said, are you going out this evening." Cathy tilts her head, as she scrutinizes me.

"Yeah sorry, I'm going to a Halloween party with Sophia." I lean across the island to grab a banana from the fruit basket.

"Is Dior going with you also?" Cathy asks, leaning on the opposite side of the island, folding her arms over her stomach.

Taking a bite of my banana, I chew slowly. I don't know if I want to explain everything that's been going on, so I stall. Widening my eyes I point to my mouth and chew even slower.

"Nope I'm going with Dylan and Nic." Dior announces, speeding into the kitchen. My heart thrusts up towards my throat as the banana tries to push its way down. She's going with Dylan.

"What?" Escapes my lips. My subconscious joins in, oh no she didn't, I remind her to shut up.

Dior smirks. "What's wrong Betsy did you see a ghost? Why the shocked face?" I swallow, forcing the banana and my heart down. Both Cathy and Dior glare at me with confused faces. I take a deep breath in preparation for a fight with Dior.

"Well Dior I haven't seen you for days not even at school, what you been up to?" I deliver an evil grin in her direction. My comment also gets Cathy's attention. We were both wait for Dior to answer.

Shrugging, "I've been busy with school work." Lie number one; Dior doesn't do homework. "You wouldn't know anything about that now would you. The way you and Sophia have been partying every night. I'm sure you have no time to study or do homework." That was lie number two; Dior's the one out every night. Dior storms out of the kitchen.

I gasp. Cathy's lips tighten as her eyes turn to slits. "Dear you should slow down with the partying and concentrate on your grades." Seriously give me a break I have an A in ever class. Your daughter hasn't been to school in a week and was passed out on the floor. I wanted to tell her everything, but I bit my tongue and played it safe.

"Your right Aunt Cathy I'll slow down." I take a few steps back getting closer to my exit.

My aunt's voice stops me. "Betsy remember our rules." She winks with a half-smile. I nod, turn on my heel and flee from the kitchen.

I march up the stairs, stomping extra hard on each step straight to Dior's room, ball up my fist and bang it on her door.

"What do you want? She hisses swinging open the door.

"Why did you lie to your mom? Nothing you said was true." I step closer to her.

"Watch your step trailer trash cousin of mine. Understand that this is my house, my family, my friends and my town you are a guest. A guest I can dispose of easily. So, learn your boundaries." She slams the door on my face.

"OH." I growl, stomping to my room with my elbows locked and fist clenched at my waist.

DING DONG the doorbell echoes through the house. Dior and I come face to face on the landing. Both of us narrow our eyes. We lift our noses high in the air, throw back our shoulders then race down the stairs.

"A devil how appropriate for you Dior." I comment under my breath.

"Whatever trailer trash." Dior snaps under her breath, speeding ahead quickly. My first thought is, she's fast for a scrawny girl. My second thought is to exit this house as quickly as possible without anyone seeing me.

"In here Dior sweetie." Cathy's voice flows from the living room. Dior disappears under the archway. I stand still for a moment to compose myself, before taking a step forward to peak my head into the room. I shake my head and blink rapidly, Dior's hanging all over Dylan while they pose for pictures. His jaw is tight, and his eyes look empty. I tell myself to look away, but I can't I'm powerless.

Dylan meets my stare, pushing Dior off him he takes a large step towards me. "Betsy please I want to..." I regain control of my body and ran out the door. I don't want to be involved in that situation. If I'm being honest here, I was also worried that he was going to tell me they worked on everything and are now a blissful couple.

Get out of here fast I tell myself. I kick my black heels off, scoop them up and sprint over the cold concert. I climb into my truck and drive quickly away from the house. "Please be open." I chant as I get closer to the guard's station. "Yes, thank you who ever is listening to me." I press my bare foot on the pedal and peel out of the driveway. 

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