Untitled Part 37

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Today's the last day of school before spring break. No school for a whole week. I need this break and so does my brain.

Leaning out of my window I yell, "come on Sophia follow me to my house."

"Ok right behind you." She climbs in her car and pulls behind me.

Sophia, Jason, Dylan and I are leaving for Miami in the morning for a well-deserved week of nothing but fun in the sun. Pulling up to my house the first thing I notice is Dylan's jeep and Nic's wagon parked out front.

I'm half in, half out of my truck when Sophia asks, "how did they get here so fast and why are they here?" I climb out completely.

I shrug, closing my door and heading towards my house. "No idea let's go find out." I say over my shoulder. Sophia speed walks to match my pace.

As I open the front door Dior screams, "I'm so glad you two are finally here." She wraps her arms around Sophia and I smothering all three of us together. I wiggle out of her grip, lean back and look at Dior. My eyes dance around the foyer, yes this is where I live. We must have entered an alternate universe. My subconscious tells me to run fast and far away, but no such luck my feet have planted themselves. She appears to be Dior, but it might be a case of invasion of the body snatchers or something. I examine her closer she has a healthy glow and the spaced out look in her eyes is gone. I step back and observe them interacting.

"Dior I am so happy you're home. I've missed you so much. Wow you look great." Sophia extends Dior's arms as she examines her, nodding with approval.

Dior smiles back. "Thanks, I feel great." Her icy blue eyes sparkle, "Sophia will you come with to the kitchen so we can talk please." Sophia nods, hooks her arm through Dior's. I watch them skip towards the kitchen.

"Hi. How's my girl?" whispers Dylan as he walks up behind me and kisses my check. Jasmine and slight mint takes over my nose.

I do a one-eighty on the ball of my foot, glancing up. "How did you get here so fast? I don't understand what's going on here. Why didn't anyone tell me Dior was coming home? I'm not prepared for this type of surprise." My stomach twists in knots.

Dylan's expression reflects mine. He tilts his head. "Your aunt texted me during last hour and asked if I'd hurry over after school. I got here a few minutes before you. Are you ok?" He lifts his brow.

"Me. Yeah. I'm fine." I snap, ogling towards the kitchen. I don't mean to be so short with Dylan I'm just not comfortable with this situation. I don't understand why no one told me she was going to be home. My breathing feels restricted. This enormous house is shrinking by the nanosecond.

Dylan dips his head from right to left in front of my face trying to get me to look at him. "Seriously Betsy are you ok?" He growls.

"Yes...No...I don't know. Why... is Dior..." I close my eyes. I wrap my arms tightly around my own chest. "What." I can't seem to form a complete sentence or thought. My head drops and I stop trying to talk.

Dylan grabs my face, lifts my head, "open your eyes Betsy look at me please." I open my eyes but can't bear to look at him. "Baby what's wrong? Please talk to me."

I meet his gaze. "Did she ask you to go into the kitchen with her?" I blink rapidly, the fluttery feeling in my stomach is growing more intense.

"No." Dylan's voice is brash. My eyes widen. He tilts his head, "wait, are you worried she still wants to be with me?" He wraps his hands around my shoulders pushing me away so he can dip his face directly in front of mine.

"Yeah. No. Maybe. I don't know what's come over me. This is a new feeling." I sigh and stick out my bottom lip.

"Betsy stop she doesn't want to be with me anymore than I want to be with her." His penetrating stare holds mine this time. "Anyway, even if she did, I'm only yours and no one or nothing will ever take me away from you." He twist my bracelet and whispers, "remember I am forever his and she is forever mine. Please relax." He pulls him against his strong chest wrapping his arms around me tightly.

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