Untitled Part 7

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My eyes spring open, I'm less disoriented than I have been lately I at least know where I am. I reach above my head, inhaling deeply then exhale slowly, I'm completely refreshed. The bright sunlight shines into my room. I decide I'm going to go lay by the pool, relaxing in the sun will be nice. I make my way into the closet, pull open the top drawer and search through my bathing suits. My eyes stop on the hot pink and black polka dot bikini, I nod. Grabbing the matching cover up I wrap it around my hips, then twist my hair into a messy bun. I stroll over to my bed dip down, grab a magazine and my iPhone, en route to the pool I go.

At the end of the long wide swimming pool is a waterfall. The movement of the fall splashes sparkling clear water into the sides of the pool, creating a calming rhythmic sound. Standing this close the statues they tower over me giving me a feeling like they're alive and watching me. A warm breeze brushes my face, I close my eyes, lift my head slightly and inhale the non-humid air. A grin takes over my face, less humidity today. My exposed skin warms under the sun's rays.

I take a few confident steps before my feet turn to concert and I'm unable to move any further.

Like I stated before I have pretty good self-esteem. Welp, that's gone the second I saw three Greek Goddesses laying in the lounge chairs. My mouth falls open and my eyes went wide. Did I walk onto a Vogue photo shot? Nope, I notice Dior, her teeny black two-piece bikini matched her over-sized Dior sun glasses resting on her nose. Geez is her name really Dior or does she wear the label so much everyone forgot her real name. The goddess next to her is covered in a classic Louis Vuitton swimsuit and matching glasses. The third goddess furthest from me has on a pink Burberry swimsuit paired with matching sunglasses. In comparison to these girls I'm a crumb at the bottom of a chip bag. Yes, the ones that get thrown away. I inhale deeply and threw my shoulders back.

"Hey guys." My voice comes out small and shaky. Sweat drips from my armpits. I slightly lift my arm, giving a weak wave. 'Hey guys,' seriously what kind of idiot am I. How stupid, I'm dying inside if I could become invisible this would be the perfect time. Simultaneously the goddesses lower their sunglasses and glare at me.

They slid their sunglasses back over their eyes. The goddesses wearing Louis Vuitton says, "we know Dior has a flat chest but do the rest of us really look like guys to you?" They throw their heads back with hysterical laughter. I shift my weight with quivering legs, beads of sweat form across my forehead.

"Lighten up, it was a joke." Dior says once she finally stops laughing. I'm not sure if they're laughing at me or with me, I blush lightly and tug on the knot of my wrap. "Betsy sit let's everyone get to know each other." I cautiously lower myself onto the closest empty lounge chair. I know the interrogation is about to begin. All three of them raise their sunglasses to their heads, their eyes penetrating through me as if I became transparent. I break out in a cold sweat, even under the blazing sun.

"Girls this is my cousin Betsy." Dior takes the goddess hand whose Louis Vuitton and looks at me, "Betsy, this is one of my best friends Nicolette, we call her Nic." Dior smiles. Nic's thick wavy blonde hair aligned a frame perfectly around her feminine face. Her almost black eyes pop against her bronze skin. She has to work out twenty-four-seven to maintain a body like that. She comes off nice, but it could be a show. Dior is still talking, "Nic knows everything about fashion, her mom works in the industry and she's friends with all the top designers." Dior becomes very animated. "Which means she gets sample lines before the department stores. I'm telling you they get delivered to her doorstep. They sit front row at fashion week every year. So, trust me you want to be friends with Nic Plus, she's awesome." Dior bats her lashes at Nic.

"Love ya too Dior." Nic wraps her tone arms around Dior.

I instantly like her a little more, hopefully her and I can bond over fashion. Dior gestures towards the Burberry goddess, "this is my other best friend Sophia." Her long hair is in a thick braid like Rapunzel's and it's the color of milk chocolate.

"Hi Betsy, it's nice to meet you." She says in a singsong voice. She smiles and gives me a friendly wave.

"Hi." I can't make direct eye contact, but I catch a glimpse of her honey color eyes. The sun reflects off her perfect complexion. Maybe there's something in the water, these girls have perfect bodies and flawless skin. Dully noted to drink the water here, lots of it.

Dior is still talking, "her daddy own's all the land in Lake Mills. The only bad thing about her is she's still a virgin." Dior and Nic laugh as they try to hug Sophia.

Sophia weaves away from their arms. "Why do you two think it's breaking news to tell everyone that I'm a virgin. It's not like I'm the last virgin on the planet." Sophia shoves them away.

"I'm not sure Sophia but you may be." Dior says. Her and Nic almost flip off their chairs in laughter. Nic catches her breath and turns her eyes on me.

"So, Betsy do you have any deep dark secrets or anything you want to share?" She lowers her face close to mine.

"Nope my life is pretty boring." I shrug, biting my lip. Nic rolls her eyes and lowers her sunglasses back onto her nose.

Dior's shrill voice draws my attention to her. "Not anymore cousin that's all about to change you live her now get ready for the wildlife." All three girls hold up their phones and scream "#cheers." Then leap off the lounge chairs. Dior and Nic slip their sandals on and quickly gather their things. Sophia peaks over her shoulder in my direction.

"We're about to meet up with the guys. Would you like to come with us, it will be fun?" A friendly grin spreads across her face while she gathers her stuff.

"Sure, do I need to change first?" I wipe my palms on the towel.

"No, you're good it's real casual." She responds, fighting with her flip flop, then casually pads towards the other girls. She pauses and waves for me to follow.

"Let's go already," Dior yells with a light bounce in her step.

I shrug, "wait up, I'm coming." I walk swiftly to catch up with them. 

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