Untitled Part 16

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I prance out of my closest wearing my favorite red comfy pants and a Lake Mills high sweatshirt. I run a across the floor and spring onto my bed right next to Sophia. "You ready to watch Sex and the City or is it a friend's night?" My phone vibrates, we both crease our brows, grabbing it I swipe the screen.

Dylan: I had a great time tonight can't wait to see you soon XOXO. I bit my lip and hand it to Sophia.

She tosses it back to me, "if you don't respond within the next ten seconds I will." She folds her arms over her chest grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Ok ok, what do I say?"

Sophia tucks her legs under, sitting face to face with me. "You tell him your deeply in love with him and that you can't go another second without him." She busts out laughing falling back on the bed kicking her legs in the air.

I pick up a pillow and throw it at her, making her laugh even harder. "I'm not saying that, but I will reply." Me: I had a great time also. XOXO He instantly replies Dylan: you don't want to see me soon I chew my lip before responding Me: of course I do! Instant reply Dylan: now I can sleep with a smile on my face. Goodnight Betsy I message back Me: Goodnight Dylan

"What's he saying?" Sophia snatches my phone from my hand, scrolling through our conversation. "Oh, this is juicy." She makes kissing sounds. I laugh and throw another pillow at her. "I'm sorry for teasing you."

I swat her arm, "no you're not."

"Your right I'm not," she giggles, "but seriously did you have fun tonight?"

I flip on my stomach resting my chin in my hands. "It was the best night of my life." I chew on my pinkie nail, "can I ask you something, I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"When have I ever withheld information from you, I vomit information at you whether you want it or not." She winks.

I hesitant, here goes nothing. "Does Dylan ever talk about me?" The words rush out of my mouth.

Sophia sighs, "I can't believe how long it took you to ask me that. I've been waiting and waiting," she flops onto her belly, so we are face to face. "He talks about you all the time. It's all he ever talks about." She nods enthusiastically.

"Are you serious?" I grin leaning closer to her.

"He wants to be with you so bad. He's been watching Dior like a Hawk waiting to catch her in a lie or something. She's so flaky it's hard to get her to talk about anything or keep track of her. Dylan doesn't want to break up with her to go out with you." A small yelp escapes my lips as my head drops. "Oh, shit wait I used the wrong words." She grabs my hand and squeezes.

"Thank god!" I breath.

"Listen to me," I lift me head so that I'm eye level with her. "He doesn't want to cause you anymore problems. If Dior thinks he broke up with her for you. You understand right?" I nod. "She's crazy and she'd think you like brainwashed him to break up with her or something stupid. Dior's insane, nuts, mental not herself lately. You understand what I'm trying to say, right."

"Yes, I think so. He really does like me. Except, Dior has to break up with him or royally screw up and get caught." I arch my brows.

"Yes." She nods.

"He really like me," I scream as I jump up and down on my bed.

Sophia pulls me back onto the bed. "Betsy you have to be patient just like Dylan is and wait for Dior to mess up things on her own." She gives me a stern face.

"I clearly understand. I've waited this long for a guy like Dylan what's awhile longer." I shrug with my hands.

She wraps her arms around me, gives a squeeze, pushes me arm's length from her. "Now let's watch Sex and the City."

A loud thump rumbles through the house, my eyes spring open.

"What was that?" Sophia asks. Climbing out of my bed, she grabs my arm as we tiptoe a cross my room. The house is silent again. Sophia pauses in the doorway and whispers, "you heard it too, right? I mean we were both asleep."

"Yes, I heard it, but I have no idea what it was. I haven't seen anyone in this house except me for days." I whisper over my shoulder. We sneak out into the hall and move against the wall towards the staircase. Realism hits me what are we going to do if someone did break into the house. Reaching the top of the stairs, my eyes zoom in on the front door. "Oh shit," I yell running down the stairs two at a time. "Cathy, Duke somebody help" I scream.

"Betsy, I think there're out of town," Sophia whimpers, running up behind me.

We stand over Dior's lifeless body. "What are we supposed do?" I ask frantically.

Sophia crouches down. "Dior wake up," shaking her fiercely. Nothing. There's no movement from Dior, her body's limp, all her color is drained. Sophia's body trembles. "What if she's dead." Utter terror takes over her face.

"Is she breathing?" I ask, bending down next to them.

Sophia wipes the tears off her cheeks and places her head on Dior's chest, she nods. "Yes, but it's very weak and slow." Sophia's face drops into her hands.

Dior's spilled purse catches my eye. "Look Sophia," I point.

"What am I looking at Betsy?" Her eyes follow my direction. "It's her purse, so what."

"Look for anything that will explain why she's laying on the floor unconscious" I shake my head I can't wait for Sophia to do it. My eyes move over everything on the ground, including Dior. "There it is," I reach for three big bottles of pills. "What are these."

"How am I supposed to know." Sophia snaps "I'm sorry Betsy I'm freaking out here. Maybe diet pills, I know she used to take the all the time." I examine the bottles closer. One reads Oxycodone (Percocet), the other Alprazolam (Xanax). The bottles have white labels with large black writing that says, Manufactures use only.

"How the hell did she get these they're prescription pills, but the bottles aren't hers, well they don't have her name on them." I turn the bottle so Sophia can read the label.

"I don't know." Both her hands press against her cheeks. "Wait Nate's father owns a pharmaceutical company." Her eyes go wide, jaw hits the floor.

"Are you freaking serious?" I open the unmarked bottle, inside is lime and dark green gel capsules. "These are also what's wrong with her." I tilt the bottle to show Sophia.

"What are those?"


"How do you know that Betsy?"

"I remembered seeing them when Nate was handing them out."

"Are you sure?" Concern etched on her face.


"What the hell are you doing with my stuff you nosy bitch?" Dior shrieks.

"Dior oh my gosh, are you ok? Do you need help?" Sophia asks quickly.

Dior spins in my direction. She's so close I can feel her breath trailing up my face.

"Do you think I do Betsy. Mind your own freaking business. I don't need help not from you or anyone. Leave me alone." She pushes herself up, stumbles to her feet and staggers up the stairs, followed by a thud.

My mouth hung wide open. "What a bitch." I shout still sitting on the floor. "Do you think those pills have anything to do with her mood swings?"

"No. Well. Maybe. I mean she's always been bitchy but lately her temper has been shorter." She pushes her hair out of her face. "Come on let's get out of here." Sophia holds out her hand for me I reach up taking it, pushing up off the floor. We dash back up the stairs like the Flash, so we don't run into Dior again.   

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