Untitled Part 15

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Wondering around the house I search for any life form besides myself. There's nobody anywhere in this house. I'm going out of my mind, I'm so board and lonely in this huge empty house. Sure, I'm used to being home alone in a teeny tiny trailer, but this house is simply too big to be comfortable in all alone. I can't swim it's too cold and all my homework's done. I've read and re-read all my chapters and I've looked through my magazines like a zillion time.

I sulk up the stairs, to my room and flop on my bed, grab the TV remote. "I'm so board," I flip onto my stomach. A heavenly sound enters my ears.

I swipe, putting my phone quickly to my ear. "Hello," comes out louder than normal.

"Betsy it's me Sophia."

"Yeah, I saw it on my screen, what's up?"

"Do you want to go to a movie?"

"With you and who else?" I cross my fingers and chant a positive mantra that she says no one else is coming. I don't want to be around Dior, Nic or any of them.

"You and I."

I throw a fist pump. "Yes, sounds like fun. I finally got my license so please let me drive for a change."

"The movie starts at 9:00 so let's say be at my house around 8:30."

"Ok, see you then Sophia, bye." I click end on my cell and sit it on my night stand.

After my shower I wrap a thick towel around my chest, pad over to the balcony, open the doors. My whole body shivers. "WOW it's cold." I scream, yanking my head back inside from the frigid air. "I'll have to wear something warm tonight." I scroll through my phone, tap my music app and connect to the Bluetooth speaker. Music takes over my room, I bop my head and sway my hips into the closet.

45 minutes later I emerge from the house, fuzzy Ugg boots warming my legs and a white sweater dress warming my torso. I double step to my truck, my teeth chattering. I don't think I'll ever get use to this cold weather. I already miss the dry heat. Yeah it got chilly at night during the winter months but nothing like this. I bury my face in my scarf, extend my hand towards the door handle.

"Where the hell are you going?" Dior stumbles out from behind a tree like a stalker.

"AHHH." I stumble back against my truck. "Geez Dior what are you doing out here in the freezing cold darkness and why were you hiding behind the tree?" I shout, my hands cover my heart.

"I'm waiting for my ride if it's any of your business." Bright headlights shine up the hill, blinding me.

"My rides here gotta..." Dior takes off towards a truck. She scales up to reach the door, moving quickly like Spider-man scaling a wall. She jumps inside the dark cab, I gawk trying to see who's driving, but she slams the door and they speed away down the drive.

"What is wrong with that girl?" I throw my hands in the air.

Driving to Sophia's I rack my brain trying to figure out who picked her up. Dylan doesn't have a truck. I guess he could have gotten a new one. Maybe Dylan and Dior are working on their relationship. If that's the case Dior would lighten up and have fewer mood swings. Oh, I have no idea what is going on around me, these people are crazy.

"Hi." Sophia smiles, climbing up into my warm truck.

"Hey." I push her seat warmer on. "The strangest thing happened as I was leaving my house. Dior..."

"You didn't tell her where you were going did you?" Sophia asks with concern in her voice. "I really don't want to be around her tonight." Her tone a little more gracefully than before.

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