Untitled Part 11

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My eye lids flutter as I try to focus. Ugg I feel like a Mac truck ran me over. My tongues stuck to the roof of my mouth. My lip crackle as I move them. I attempt to lick them, but my tongue sticks to my bottom lip. My body has no fluid left in it. I lightly rub my face and forehead. I try to remember something, anything about last night, but I'm blank. I stretch carefully and roll over, my eyes spring open.

"Oh my god," I scream.

"What is it. Who's there?" Sophia shoots straight up with one eye open, her hair standing in every direction.

"Oh, my head," we say in sync, rubbing our heads and slowly laying back down.

"Sorry for scaring you I didn't know you stayed over last night. I don't know anything right now." I let my eyes for a moment longer.

"It's ok, good morning," Sophia whispers.

"I feel like a doll that's been tossed around for days by a wild child. Every muscle in my body is throbbing what or how much did I drink last night?" I continue gently rubbing my head, my eyes still closed.

"It's not what you drank it's what you took." She pauses. "It was the Molly, remember? We were rolling." She slightly lifts her head.

"What," I yell. My voice ricochets through my body.

"SHHHH." Sophia begs, rubbing her head. Her voice comes out soft, "remember Nate shoving it down your throat? We were in that tacky room. Is any of this ringing a bell?" She closes her eyes and lays her head back down.

"Wait, it's slowly come back to me in pieces." I scratch my head, shutting my eyes. "Sophia can I ask you something?"

"Sure, quietly though please. What's up?" I open my eyes, she rolls on her side, tucks a pillow against her then wraps her arms and legs around it.

"You told me about Dylan and Dior last night right, that was real, yes?"

"Yes, it was. Remember please don't say anything to anyone ever." Her words hush over her lips, her eyes pleading.

"You know I won't. Now I want to know what's up with you and Leo. I see how you move away from him and never interact with him." I raise an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to tell me.

"Oh that. You noticed," I nod. "Ok, Leo and I have been together since eight grade after a game of spin the bottle at Nate's house."

"Of course," I interrupt sarcastically.

"Anyway, up until about 6 months ago things were really good and fun. We were always on the same page, you know wait for sex until marriage or at least until I was ready. Then one day out of nowhere he woke up a completely different guy." Sophia inhales a sharp breath. "After that all he cared about was anything that had to do with sex. He always tries to get me to have sex, talk about sex, watch porn with him. It got super annoying. He just won't take no for an answer. So, I started ignoring and avoiding him. I want to wait until I'm married to have sex, or at least until I know its with the right person and the right time. Is that stupid or wrong of me?" Her expression drawn.

"No Sophia not at all. If you're not ready don't let anyone make you doubt that or change your mind." I glance to the side and slightly lift the corner of my mouth.

"Have you ever had sex?" She asks very seriously.

"Nope, the right guy hasn't come around yet. I think I'll know well I hope I'll know when the time is right." I smile at her.

"That's exactly how I feel, and Leo can't accept that. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me anyway. He hasn't been pushing me as much lately." Sophia fluffs the pillow under her head then nestles back down.

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