Untitled Part 21

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Another week came and went without any contact from Dylan. I don't understand what type of game he was playing with me. Jax continued to ask me out whenever I saw him. I keep declining but it wasn't because I didn't want to go out with him. My mind was consumed and confused by Dylan and his constant pulling me close then pushing me away. Sophia finally got me to agree to go to Nate's party tonight with her. I only caved because she can be super pushy plus I don't think she was going to take no as my final answer. Plus she showed up at my house and psychically made me get ready.

"Sophia tell me why I had to come with you tonight." I ask sitting in the passenger seat of her car.

"Betsy I was not leaving you at home alone, that's why."

"I was fine alone." I twirl a stand of hair around my finger, pouting and staring out the window.

"Ok enough of this we are going inside, and we are going to have fun." Sophia says sternly.


"Betsy what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong." I toss my hands up. "He hasn't called or spoken to me since I ran out of his room last Saturday." My chest tightens, I had not expressed this out load, until now and the truth really does hurt.

"Listen it's complicated with him, you know that. He hasn't pushed you to the side because he no longer has feeling for you. Trust me." Sophia thumps her head against her seat.

"If I have to be here then I'm going to need a drink so come on." Climbing out I shake my head and exhale deeply. Nate's house is the last place on Earth that I want to be at right now. I'm mad Sophia for making me come here.

Inside we grab our drinks and start to mingle. Nate's house is of course full of energy and people, loud music is already pulsating through the air.

A tall girl with long blonde hair motions for Sophia, "come on were playing Truth or Dare" She walks backwards waving her hand, "come play. You can bring your friend to. The more the merrier." She bounces ahead.

"Come on Betsy it will be fun." Sophia places her hands together sticking out her bottom lip.

"Fine." I finish my drink, grab hers out of her hand, slamming it before I fall into step behind her.

She bumps my hip. I regain my balance, looking down at a large circle of people. Nic, Dior, Dylan, Leo, Nate, Jax, Vonn and five other people I've seen around but have no idea who they are. My eye fix on Dylan slumped over wringing his hands in his lap.

"Yes, Betsy's here to play." Nate announces. Dylan sits straight up, his eyes penetrate through me. My face tingles. Why is he staring at me like that, he must really hate me all of a sudden, what did I ever do to him? I sit directly across from him, Sophia wedges in next to me. Jax stands from the circle, takes a few strides and nudges on the other side of me. Dylan's jaw tightens. His eyes narrow on Jax.

Nate claps his hands together, "let's get this going. Since it's my party I get to start." His eyes zone in on me. "Betsy, truth or dare."

My eyes go wide, swallowing back bile. "Truth." That's the safest choice right now, I hope.

Nate's eyes move up and down me. "How do you like living here so far." He asks with a secret smile. Loud exhales echo around the circle.

"Shit that's too easy." Dior snaps.

"Shut up Dior. My house. My game. My question. Betsy sorry for the rude interruption, go ahead, answer please."

"It's ok so far." I blush lightly and pull my shirt hem over my hands.

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