Untitled Part 24

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"I will not let that evil dragoness ruin my night." I blurt out as Sophia opens the passenger door.

"Excuse me." Sophia's body stiffens, arching her brows. "What are you talking about?"

"Get in hurry." I wave my hands, "I'll explain everything." I scream the whole story to her on the way to Nate's.

"She's evil. I'm sorry Betsy." Sophia reaches over placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Why is Dylan at this party with her?" I whine, slamming my head against the head rest.

"Dior probably kissed his ass, so he'd go with her." She can't make eye contact with me and that's ok I don't think I want her to know my tears are building up.

"I wouldn't know I haven't talked to him, like really talked to him since... Shit I can't even remember the last time." My eyes fill with tears, I couldn't hold them back any longer.

"Oh crap." Sophia runs her thumb over my cheek. "Come on Betsy you look great let's go inside and party our troubles away." She nudges my shoulder.

I shake my head, straighten my shoulders, attempting to pull my emotions together. "Your right let go inside." I tuck all my emotions deep into the back of my mind. I'll deal with them later, right now it's only about having fun.

I pause wrapping my hand around and Sophia's wrist, "I'm not taking drugs tonight and you will not leave my side."

"Deal. We will stay close all night and avoid them like the plague." Sophia gives my hand a tap.

The castle doors creek open, ending our talk. I gasp. The once elegant and rich castle has been transformed into a haunted house. Orange and black streamers dangle from the high ceiling. Cobwebs twisted around every visible structure. Strobe lights dancing with the beat of the music. Fog floating above the floors, giving an appearance that people were levitating. There's every type of costume imaginable. I 'd never seen anything like this. I smile, the idea that everyone is disgusted is exciting and mysterious.

"You have to drink the blood before you can enter the house." Sing song, says a guy dressed as Count Dracula. A tray of shot glasses balancing on his palm.

Sophia and I exchange a glance, extend our hands, grabbing one, lifting them in the air. "Cheers." Bringing the glass to our lips and tilting our heads back. Then slam the empty glasses back on the tray with a chin dip.

Dracula gives a nod of approval. "Have a killer time." He pivots to the side. We head straight to the bar for another drink.

Leo's leaning back on the bar waving for Sophia. "Don't you dare leave me," I beg with a tight grip on her arm.

"I'll be right back." She smiles. "I promise. Stay right here." I inch close behind her, tapping my feet.

"Sophia babe you look great WOW love the costume." Leo yells. I roll my eyes, turn for a split second and he's pulling her away.

"Great." I knew this was going to happen. I scan the room, instantly my gut tells me that's a mistake. My eyes lock on Dior clinging to Dylan. His head bobbing back and forth. I duck behind a large guy so he can't see me. "This sucks I'm out of here." I say out loud, even though no one is paying attention to me. I turn lifting one foot off the floor and a giant ape jump in front of me.

I scream stumbling backwards, the ape swoops over to catch me before I fall on my bum.

"Betsy it's me, relax." Nate lifts the ape head off. He steadies me on my feet.

I push on his chest. "Jerk you scared me." I look his costume over from head to toe. "Wow that's a really great costume you had me fooled."

"Thanks, you look hot I may need a nurse later." A smile takes over his face. "Hey, would you like to dance with me?" He tilts his head to the side. "Please."

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