Untitled Part 38

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The morning was pure chaos. Getting four girls and two guys ready, packed and out the door is a challenge, but my aunt did it with grace. Mr. Peterson stood out front waiting for us to bring our carries on out.

I have one foot inside the SUV and the other still on the ground when Mr. Peterson grabs my elbow, "Miss. Butler." I pull my body out of the vehicle. "Wait sorry Betsy this life style suits you well." My brows pinch.

"What?" I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not.

He must see the confusion on my face. "I mean you look very happy. A huge change from the last time I drove you from the airport." A genuine smile spreads over his face.

"Thank you and yes I have settled in quite well." He nods. I climb completely into the SUV and settle into my seat.

All six of us scurry to our seats, right as the flight crew was ready to close the cabin door. I sag against my seat and sigh.

I glance over at Dylan, "Hey, I can't wait to be alone with you."

"Me neither baby." He leans down kissing me quickly. I nestle my head into my spot. This flight will be much more enjoyable than the last time I was on a plane. I close my eyes, breathing in the jasmine and mint of Dylan and fall asleep.

"Ok, everyone keeps an eye out for a man holding a sign that says, Wolf." Dior says, leading the pack through the airport. I glance up at Dylan, a smile spreads over my face. He smiles down at me with his sparkling emeralds, squeezing my hand.

"There he is." Sophia points to a tall man. We ran towards him, his brown eyes grow, taking a few steps backwards.

"You must be the Wolf party. I'm Jefferson your driver for the entire week. Anything you need just ask." He nods.

"Here's all the bags sir." Jason pushes the luggage cart towards Jefferson, he laughs.

We climb into the cool waiting SUV "The cold air feels so good I'm sweating in places I didn't even know I had sweat glands." Everyone laughs at me tugging at my light sundress, that has permanently clung to my sticky body.

Driving to the hotel I peer out the windows while Jefferson gives a verbose commentary about the history of Miami. I watch tall palm trees zoom past us. In the distance I can see crystal clear blue water. Dylan breath brushes over my ear. "This truly is paradise."

"Yes, it is. I'll take the extreme heat and humidity to keep surrounding like these."

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "it's not even close to being as beautiful as you." He smashes his lips against mine taking my breath away.

After checking in, the bellhop drags our luggage into the largest hotel room I've ever seen. The living rooms decorated with a modern décor. The glass walls give a full panoramic view of the ocean below. Adjacent to the living room are four bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and private balcony.

"My girl and I get this room." Dylan's voice carries from the room behind me. "Baby get in here." I ran in light on my feet. "Do you love our room for the next six days." His smile is contagious. "Did you hear me, our room." Taking a few steps closer to me, he grabs me pulling me against his chest then dips me down to kiss me.

He places me steady on my feet, I stare out the glass wall. "It's beautiful both the sound of it and our view." It's was the same view as from the living room. I watch the waves fall into the shore and push back out. Dylan wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I feel him brushing his nose through my hair. My body becomes infused with warmth, as our electrical volts firer through my body. I smile.

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