Untitled Part 3

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As I take in the new scenery during the drive I notice nothing looks like it did back home, there it was dull, dusty and colorless. Lake Mills so far is full of vibrant colors and alive, it could be a movie set.

Passing a gas station my mouth opens wide, I gasp. "Peterson, you can go inside the gas stations here?" I ask with my cheek smudging the glass.

"Yes, of course you can Betsy." His brows pinch through the rear view mirror.

"All the gas stations I've been to have a walk-up window. There's a person behind either bars or glass that would get your things, then slide them through a crapped hole." I realized I'm babbling I do that when I get nervous or excited. In this case I'm a little of both.

"This place will be a change for you Betsy. Lake Mills is a beautiful town." Shaking his head, a glimmer of laughter appears in his eyes before he focuses them back on the road ahead.

Every house we've passed looks brand new. Not like the old boarded up ones around my trailer park. "Peterson, most of the houses in Dekalb where I'm from, have so much trash on the yards you couldn't even see the grass. But here all the lawns here are lush and bright green. Is the grass fake?" I ask with a scrunched up expression.

Peterson chuckles. "No Betsy its real grass."

I peer through the other window towards the horizon. A cluster of skyscrapers line the backdrop. As we get closer to the buildings the streets begin to intertwine around them. I watch in amazement the people walking on the sidewalks balancing their briefcases, bags and coffees. Most of the men are dressed in nice suits, freshly pressed shirts and colorful ties. The women are wearing flowing blouses, gorgeous skirts and luxury heels. Downtown Dekalb was a dump most of the buildings were condemned and covered with yellow caution tape. These appear perfectly safe and structured. There's no trash or garbage on the cobble stone streets. I start to feel a little less tense as Peterson eases the SUV onto the expressway. I nestle back against the cool soft leather seats and close my eyes, letting the cool air fall over my face from the vent. Maybe this new life won't be so bad after all.

Mr. Peterson's driving is precise, but I could feel the vehicle slowly exiting the expressway. My eyes flutter open. "I must have drifted off these seats are so comfortable." I say breaking the silence as I stretch my arms above my head.

"Yes, they are Betsy that's the finest leather your sitting on." He responds with a kind smile through the rear view mirror.

My eyes dance wildly as Peterson turns the SUV onto a street. Except, there's a guard's station with a drop gate, this is different. A small security guard pokes his head out from the booth, makes eye contact with Peterson and gives a solid nod.

"Are we lost or something? Where are we?" My voice shakes, I cross and uncross my legs. The gate swings open, Peterson presses on the gas. We proceed up a beautiful tree lined street or driveway, I have no idea which one it is. The grass and trees are perfectly manicured. There isn't a leaf or weed anywhere. Maybe we've entered a national park, I still have no idea my chest is getting tighter by the second. The SUV climbs up the street and at the top the trees open. A clear view of the most spectacular house takes over the background. There're so many windows that you can see right through the house. It's topped off with a pure white terracotta roof. Peterson pulls in front of a huge marble fountain decorating the middle of the driveway, cuts the engine and turns slowly to face me.

"Why are we stopped here? I thought you were taking me to my aunt's house." My voice comes out octaves higher than normal as I shift nervously in my seat, twisting and peering out each windows. Peterson climbs out, leisurely walks around the SUV, his hand lingers before opening the door. Humid air swirls in taking over my lungs, I gasp.

"Betsy you are home. This is the residences of the Wolf family." His shoulders relax, he tips his head towards the house with a kind smile.

"You could have said that like five minutes ago." I inhale then exhale deeply trying to regulate my pulse.

"I'm sorry Betsy. Please forgive me. I tried to move slow and nonthreatening, I could tell you are very nervous and scared." Bowing, he says, "please forgive me."

"Yes, I forgive you." I smile up, slowly climbing out of the SUV. The perfectly aligned driveway keeps me balanced as I stand for a moment while my eyes dart around. What did Cathy's house look like the last time I was here? This is not the same house. All I can recall is a two-story home with tan siding and neighbors all around. Here, there's not another house in sight.

A fluttery, empty feeling in my stomach makes me wonder is this really my aunts house. I shake my head. "Listen to me." My voice loud, "there has been a huge mistake. I'm supposes to be in Lake Mills to live with my aunt Cathy Wolf..." I'm cut off by a familiar voice from behind.

"Betsy dear you finally made it, I'm so glad your home. How was your flight?" I twirl around and stumble backwards. I steady my feet under me and turn towards the house. My aunt is running down the stairs towards me, her arms extended and heels clicking. I'd forgotten how much she looks like my mom they could be twins. A rush of feelings moves over me, nervous, sad, then calm.

Cathy's shorter than mom. But unlike mom her skin glows bronze against her shinny blonde bob. She's dressed in jeans and a loose button up chiffon shirt.

"Aunt Cathy what's going on? Where are we? Is this a resort or a chateau were you and your family spend the summer?" I ramble, my hand gestures towards the house.

Her brows shoot up. "Oh, Betsy dear I completely forgot you have never been to our new home." She smiles and dips her head. I shake my head and met her gaze. Her eyes hypnotize me, they are exactly like moms and mine.

"Um, no I've never been here. I'd remember this place trust me." I crane my head around the grounds and house to ensure it's still there and it wasn't some sick joke my mind is playing on me. Nope this is for real.

Cathy takes my hand in hers. "About a year ago your uncle Duke had a huge opportunity with his company to purchase this home." She waves her free hand towards the house. "Well we did and here we are." She pauses, tilting her head to the side. "Dear I am so sorry you must have been so scared and confused." I nod. Cathy wraps her arm around my shoulder squeezing me tight then release me and stands at my side. "Peterson would you please take Betsy's things up to her room."

"Yes ma'am. Is there anything else you will need?" He winks at me.

"No, that's all for now. Thank you, Peterson." She waves him off. "Come Betsy let me show you your new home." Cathy guides me towards the house. I'm not sure if I like the sound of, 'my new home.' I do know that this is going to be a very long tour. Does she really think I have the energy to walk the entire house? I barely have the strength to hold myself up, the mental stress of all of this is weighing me down.

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