Untitled Part 32

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Driving to the security gate Dylan halts his jeep, rolls down the window and leans out. With a wave he says, "Merry Christmas Stanley. How are you."

Stanley returns a smile. "Merry Christmas to you too Dylan how are you and your folks."

"Good, everyone is good sir." Dylan points his thumb towards the backseat. "We're heading out to give Betsy's mom a tour of our lovely town." Stanley dips down, waves to me and mom. "Well we better be on our way. Nice talking to you Stanley." Dylan nods.

"Always a pleasure Dylan." Stanley returns a manly nod. Dylan presses down the accelerator and pulls into the street.

I stare at Dylan, "Um...What was that? How do you know his name? I live here and don't even know his name." Pushing my brows.

Dylan rest his hand on my knee, "Betsy I've lived here my whole life I grew up knowing Stanley." He shakes his head and chuckles. His eyes dart to the rear view mirror, "you ready for your grand tour Carrie."

"Yes, I am." Mom smiles, turning to watch out the window. I stare out my window as we drive through the neighborhood. I still can't believe I live here and that my mom is here on Christmas with me. The lightness I feel in my chest is a welcoming feeling.

I shift to face mom in the back seat, "first stop is our school." I gesture out the window.

"Wow that's your school." Mom giggles with disbelief under her breath, "that looks nothing like your old school."

I peer out my window as Dylan drives slowly past our school. "No, it doesn't mom and the inside is even prettier. I feel like I go to an ivy league college." I say proud.

Dylan pulls away from the school. "Next stop Juice Up." He caught my eyes with a side glance. "That's where I meet Betsy. It's my favorite place." He blows me an air kiss, grabs my hand and wraps is strong fingers around mine.

"It's my favorite place too and the smoothies are pretty good." I wrinkle my nose.

Dylan drives through the business district then heads towards the retail area. He reduces his speed. "Carrie this is the Plaza, Betsy really loves shopping here." He winks at me.

"Ha ha." I shift to look back. "Mom it makes me so nervous. Every time I go there, I get sweaty palms."

Carrie laughs. "Since when does shopping making you nervous?" She tilts her head.

"Since I've actually started doing it. It was safe to look through magazines and dog ear pages. Now I get to touch the fabrics and try on the shoes. It's a whole new world." Mom throws her head back, clenching her stomach.

"You're a shopping...noob." She laughs harder falling forward. I join in followed by Dylan. We laugh so hard. I don't think I'll be able to ever stop.

Once I controlled my laughter, I watch my mom gaze out her window. She's glowing like a child. I bit my cheek. "Mom when was the last time you were here?"

"I've never been here." Her head drops down. Dylan and I exchange a puzzled look, I shrug.

"What? Why have you never been here."

Mom shrugs, "So is this as cold as it gets here Dylan?" His head snaps back, eyes dart at me going wide. I point my chin at him.

"It gets a lot colder." Awkward silence takes over for the rest of the drive home.

I couldn't take it anymore. I exhale, "Mom sorry you didn't get to meet Sophia."

"That's Ok Betsy it is Christmas, I'll get to meet her before I leave." She places her hand on Dylan's shoulder, "don't you have to get home won't your parents be wondering where you are?"

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