Untitled Part 33

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Three screaming voices move through the house waking me. The sunlight is pushing up over the horizon. I rub my eyes, slid out of bed, adjust my sleepy plants and drag my feet over the carpet. With each step across the hallway the voices grow louder and louder the closer I get to Dior's room.

"You have only been here for a few days what the hell do you know?" Dior screams in my mom's face.

Mom's head snaps back, she squares her shoulders and points at Dior. "I've seen enough of your out of control behavior to know a lot. I've also seen your pills." She places her hands on her hips. I internal praise my mom for standing up to Dior.

I stand in the doorway of Dior's room, bad move. It was like I threw gas on an already raging fire.

Dior whips her long neck in my direction. "You bitch" She takes one long step closing the gap between us. "Why are trying to ruin my life?" Her venom sprays me in the face.

"Excuse me." I snap. My fist tighten at my sides. "You know that your problems have absolutely nothing to do with me." I yell back.

"That's enough. Dior you can no longer blame your problems on Betsy." Cathy stands slowly from the bed. "We're going to get you the help you need." She takes a few cautious steps towards Dior.

Dior matches her steps backwards. "You have all lost your mind. I'm not going to any kind of treatment place." Dior yells, lunging forward pushing her mom down, running for the door. I brace my legs to the ground preparing myself in case she charges towards me.

But luckily Duke scoops her up. "Stop fighting it. You're going to rehab to get help. That's final." He says matter–of–factly.

"Daddy please NO. I'm fine really." Dior screams as she wraps her long skinny arms around Duke then starts kicking and screaming all the way down the stairs. My mom and aunt follow behind with their heads dropped and her bags gripped in their hands. I wrap my arms tight around my body. At that moment I sort of feel sorry for her. That only lasted a nanosecond as I replayed all the horrible things, she has done to me and everyone else. She actually tried to kill me. No way will she get sympathy from me. She needs professional help.

I press down on my foot and sprint to my room to call Sophia and tell her everything that just happened. I sprawl across my bed, hit Sophia on my contacts. "Hi, sorry for waking you, but you have to hear this." I tell her everything.

Sophia's only responds is, "good maybe she'll be normal again. well at least Dior normal. Hey, what are the plans for tonight?"

"Ugg I completely forgot its New Year's Eve. I haven't thought about it with all this drama going on. Let me call Dylan then I'll call you right back."

"Ok Bye." Sophia ends the call.

I hit Dylan on my contacts, "Good morning love, you are not going to believe what's gone on here this morning." I explain in detail.

"Wow that's crazy and a lot to take in this early. Hopefully she'll get better." His husky voice carries through the phone, sending slight volts down my spine.

"Yeah I hope so. Anyway, what do you want to tonight?"

Dylan's silent, then says, "Nate's having a party, but I'd rather stay in with you."

"I'm so glad you said that I don't want to go to Nate's. Should I invite Sophia and Jason to come over also?" Sophia got to hang out with Jason a little during the Christmas Gala, but not much since they had to rush me to the hospital. I thought the least I could do was invite him over.

"That's a great idea you make the plans with Sophia and I'll get a hold of Jason. You tell me what time later once you two have figure out all the details."

"Sounds good, go back to sleep love call me later when you wake up. I'll see you soon. Love you."

"Love you babe." Dylan hung up.

I call Sophia back, we set up the plans for the evening. I toss my phone aside. All the worrying and constant wondering of what Dior will do next washes out of my mind. The weight is gone from my chest. I sigh, close my eyes and fall back asleep. 

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