Untitled Part 36

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The last month pasted by quickly and lacked drama since Dior was still at the treatment center. Mom went home right after my birthday. She stayed a lot longer than planned and that made me really happy. I'm now eighteen-years-old and honestly, I don't feel much different than I did when I was seventeen.

"Happy Valentine's Day Betsy," Cathy cheers walking into the kitchen, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"Hey, Aunt Cathy thanks and the same to you." I smile. She appears more relaxed, I giggle. "You seem to be in a good mood today."

"Yes I am. Do you have any romantic plans for this evening?" She wiggles her brows in my direction as she floats next to me.

My cheeks slightly tingle. "Yes, but I have no idea what. Dylan made all the plans and won't tell me anything." I lean against the counter.

"That sounds fun and exciting." She blows out a long breath and faces me. "Betsy, I want to say sorry to you." She takes a step forward closing the gap between us.

"For what?" I snap my head back. What could she possible be sorry for?

"For not believing you when Dior was putting fault on you and I am so sorry I didn't see it." Her chin dips to her chest.

"Aunt Cathy it's ok. Really." I reach over to rub her arm. I can't blame her for not believing me, I'm the outsider here. I don't hold any hard feelings towards her or my uncle. Honestly, I'm not even mad at Dior anymore. I don't like to hold grudges it weighs my mind down its easier to forgive and move on.

Cathy glances up through her lashes. "Betsy we are truly happy your here with us. We own you so much for opening our eyes to the trouble Dior was in." Her voices trembles as she continues, "also it's because of you that she's getting the help she needs. I can't bear to think what would have happened to her if it wasn't for you." She stares intensely at me with sympathetic eyes. The same ones that mirror my mom's.

I smile and give her a reassuring nod. "So, how is Dior doing? Will she be home soon?"

Cathy's eyes light up. "She's doing great. She's eating and gained twelve pounds she looks healthy again. She hasn't yelled at anyone in weeks and she's almost completed the entire program."

"That great to hear." I say with a bubbly voice.

"Yes, it is." Cathy's eyes sparkle. "Dear that reminds me Dior asked me to give you this." She picks up an envelope off the counter and extends her hand towards me. I stand motionless. She tilts her head and fans it towards me.

"What is this?" I stutter. "Why would Dior give me something?" I wipe my wet palms on my jeans. My stomach tightens, I shift my weight away from my aunt.

"She asked me to pass this on to you." Cathy shrugs.

"Why?" I don't even recognize my own voice, I'm so nervous.

Cathy's expression pinches. "All I know is she said it's important and asked that you please read it." I stare at the envelop in her hand. I'm not sure what's inside or if I even want to know.

I exhale and cautiously take the envelope into my shaky fingers. I hold it away from myself for a few seconds before I decide to open it.

Ripping open the envelope, I pull out the paper and unfold it:

Dear Betsy,

I would like to apologize for all the horrible things I said about you and did to you. Thank you for not killing me and for making my parents get me the help I needed. I was lost from the drugs I was taking and not eating. I have found myself again and I have you to thank for that. Thank you for not giving up on me even though I had given up on myself. I'm also happy you and Dylan found each other. You both are great and deserve each other. I hope when I return home we can start over. See you soon and again I am sorry. I hope you can find a way to forgive me.

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