Untitled Part 14

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"We're here." Dior parks in the closest spot to the school marked RESERVED. "Come on let's go find Dylan and everyone I'm sure their waiting for me." She jumps out of the car quickly.

"Yep. Alright. I'm ready for this." I say under my breath as I slowly depart from her car. Reality slaps me across the face my adrenaline gone, and my nerves have completely taken over. I look wildly around the campus, nope I can't go through with this. I'd never seen so many people in my life and I only know five of them.

"Come on Betsy what are you waiting for the red carpet to roll out for you?" Dior snarls from over her shoulder as she's walking away. You know you want to see him even if she's draped all over him, my subconscious tells me I tell her to shut up even though she's half right.

Sophia appears next to me. "Geez grumpy much this morning What's with her?"

"I have no idea what her problem is." I grab Sophia's elbow, "I need to talk to you."

"Sure, what's up, is everything ok? Sophia slings her bag over her head and under her arm.

"Dior's been acting very strange ever since we were at registration." I link arms with her, and I continue telling her the whole story as we walk towards school. "She must be having sex with the other guy right. Whoever he is." I stop talking letting out a huge sigh.

"Yeah maybe." Sophia stops walking, jolting me slightly backwards, "who cares about Dior and her mood swings or who she's having sex with. I'm over her and Leo and all their drama. More importantly where is your schedule?" I laugh, grab it out of my purse and hand it to her.

"Do we have any classes together? Please tell me we do." I place my hands together.

Sophia screams with excitement. "Yes, every single one." She grabs my arm. "Come on hurry we have to get to class we don't want to be late on the first day." She giggles pulling me down the hall, my feet stagger under me. I'm so relieved I can't imagine how scary this day would've been if Sophia wasn't in any of my classes.

"Here we are First hour AP Physics." Sophia says. We make it through the door right as the bell rings. Sophia hip bumps me into a seat next to one somebody and she takes the empty seat on the opposite side of me, a totally goofy smile grows across her face. I giggle she must be as happy as I am about our classes. I take out my notebook and my favorite pen laying them neatly on my desk.

"Alright class quiet down, these will be your seats for the entire year. I don't babysit and I will not change your seat." I glance over at Sophia she's still smiling. What's going on with her, I hope she's not losing her mind. I slowly twist my head to my other side I have to see who I'm going to be sitting next to all year. My heart stops beating. Dylan's smiling just like Sophia as he side stares at me. OMG I can't believe this. I bend my head letting my hair fall over my face to hide my crimson cheeks.

"Hi Betsy," he says very casually.

Ok this is going to be a great year. "Hi." I whisper back. I tap my pen rapidly on the desktop smile up through my lashes at him. He smirks and slides his chair closer to me. I'm going to truly enjoy physics this year.

Right as the bell rings Sophia and Dylan bolt out of class. I stand and fumble with my bag trying to shove my things inside.

I march over to them standing in front of lockers. Sophia and Dylan turn to face me, they look happier than kids on Christmas morning. "Um, thanks for waiting for me." I rummage through my purse, peering at Sophia, "I can't find my schedule do you remember where I put it?"

"Oh, sorry here." Dylan hands it to me. My brows crease, I extend my hand a little hesitant and take it from him. Why and how does he have my schedule. I shrug, dropping it in my purse. Sophia and Dylan exchange glances, both of them chocking back a laugh.

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