Untitled Part 22

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Monday at school Sophia almost knocked me over into my locker screaming, "Did you get the text about the Halloween bash at Nate's this weekend?" Putting her hands on her knees, inhaling through her nose, exhaling out of her mouth.

"Not his house again doesn't anyone else every have parties in this town?" I roll my eyes leaning back against my locker.

"No." Sophia responds backing up slightly. "Come on it will be fun please." Her flat palms hang in front of her heart.

"Fine. What are we dressing up as?" I ask hoping to make her bubbly again. I swing my backpack on and push off my locker.

"I have no idea. Let's go to the costume shop so we can pick out a good costume before there all gone. I'll drive and we'll come back to get your truck after ok. Also, I keep forgetting to tell you, I love your backpack." Sophia smiles.

"Thanks, it was a gift from my mom." I smile and let Sophia drag me to the parking lot.

"Have you seen or talked to Dior lately?" I ask Sophia peering at her over the roof of her car. "I myself have avoiding her like the plague. I've seen her at lunch and parties, but I avoid any conversation or one on one with her. I hadn't even seen her at home in weeks."

"No, I haven't I've sort of been avoiding her also. She hasn't been in gym class either." Nic walks past, Sophia yells over her shoulder, "hey Nic, where has Dior been, I haven't seen her at school only at Nate's. What's up?"

Nic throws an evil grin my direction. "She's been staying at my house resting, instead of having her privacy invaded." Taking a few steps towards me.

I let out a laugh of shock. "Give me a break Nicollete," using her full name really got her attention. I continue, "Dior was passed out on the floor. What was I supposed to do? Give her more drugs? Is that what you're doing. Here's an idea take those pills from her and give her some freaking food," I scream.

"Whatever." Nic waves her hands in my face. "Call me sometime Sophia when you want to hang out with your real friends again." Nic glares at both of us, climbs in her car and speeds out of the parking lot.

"So, what she's saying is because I found Dior's pills, I was being nosy. I can't believe this. You try to help someone, and this is how you get treated in return." I slam my palm on the roof of Sophia's car.

Sophia jumps back, blinks rapidly. "Forget about them, we need to go get our costumes."

"What about this one?" Sophia asks. I poke my head out between the thick curtains. She has on short cut offs, a plaid half shirt tied in a knot with cowboy boots and a hat. "I'm a sexy cowgirl." Sophia places her hands on her hips swaying them back and forth.

"That will definitely get some attention. You look amazing." I tuck my head back into my changing room.

"I'm getting it." Sophia calls back. "Did you find anything?"

"This." I rip the curtain open, strut out slowly placing one leg in front of the other. "What do you think?" I slowly twirl around.

Sophia coughs. "Does it come with free CPR classes cuz there's going to be lots of unconscious guys at the party." Arching a perfect eyebrow at me.

"Should I not wear it?" I run my hands over the thin material, tugging at the short hem line.

"Betsy you should so get it. It looks great on you. You'll be a hottest nurse. BTW I know Dylan will love it." My smile and excitement fades. "Oh, what's wrong did I say something to upset you?" Sophia rushes to me side.

"I still haven't talked to him. I've tried to text him and no reply. I just don't understand." My eyes burn.

"Oh, Betsy I'm so sorry." She places her hands on my shoulders, looking at me. "He's been a little distant with me too lately..."

"They worked out their problems, didn't they? I know they did." My hand instantly covers my mouth.

Sophia shakes her head. "No Betsy he would have told me and you. He would never do something like that, trust me." Rubbing and patting my shoulders.

"Then what is it?" My face falls to my hands.

"I'm sorry Betsy I wish I had the answers for you."

"Forget about it I can't be upset about loosing someone if they were never mine to begin with, right." I lift the corner of my mouth.

My phone pings, taking a few steps back, I pick it up, swipe the screen. My eyes go wide, Dylan: you are always on my mind I miss you!

"What's wrong who is it?" I rotate my phone. Sophia squeals "OMG see I told you. You just have to be patience I have a feeling he has a plan or knows something. You two will be together soon I can feel it in my bones."

My fingers type, Me: I miss you too! My hand drops to my waist, my phone pings again. Sophia and I exchange arched brows. I swipe open my phone, Jax: r u going to Nates party? In instantly reply Me: yes I am. His reply is instant Jax: great see you there😊 BTW we still have a date to continue but no pressure. I exhale deeply, Sophia tilts her head. Me: Yes we do. Instant ping Jax: any time your ready let me know. Me: I will.

Sophia put her hand on her hip and points a finger at my phone, "who's the chatty texter?"

"It's Jax." I look up through my lashes.

Sophia's lip thin. "Dylan will not be happy about that."

I stand tall. "Well Sophia Dylan and I are not together are we? If we were, I would not be texting Jax or contemplating when to go out with him again." I snap.

She throws her hands up. "I'm sorry Betsy your right." Her eyes look mournfully down.

I close the gap between us, "it's ok Sophia there's a part of me that feels guilty whenever I talk to Jax but there's also a part of me that is lonely and if Dylan is going to continue this push pull skit I have to do something to stay sane."

"I understand, I think I want you two together just as much as you two want to be together." We both laugh.

"Come on let's get these costumes and go eat, I'm starving."

Sophia squeals, "yes."

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