Untitled Part 29

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While Sophia and I get ready I fill her in on every detail about this morning.

"Of course, Dior lied to her mom she lies to everyone. Enough about her." She bits her lip. "I have a crush on someone." Sophia blurts out.

"Who is it Sophia, tell me." I ask nudging her arm.

"He's Dylan's neighbor." I tilt head.

"Ok I have no idea who that is. Stop beating around the bush and tell me his name and all about him." I sit down my mascara, turn to face her. "I'm waiting."

"Sorry his name is Jason he's in college and..."

I interpret, "maybe we can invite him to this gala party thing."

Sophia rolls her eyes. "Betsy he's already coming. Remember your aunt and uncle know everyone." She shakes her head.

"Oh, that makes sense. Is that why you're so nervous because he might be here tonight?"

"Yeah. We all used to hang out before he left for college, but I haven't seen him since the summer. I've always had a crush on him, it just grew over the summer, then he left." Her eyes fall to the ground.

"Did you tell Dylan?" I bump Sophia with my hip.

"Yes, he said he'd talk to him. I don't even know if he's single. I'm friends with him on social media so I've been stalking him. He's so good looking and so nice." I watch her cheeks switch from pink to crimson.

I place my hands firm on the counter. "We have to also find out his blood type, if he wants kids, everything about him." I joke, making her laugh so loud we didn't hear the knock on the door.

"Well looks like you two are having a party of your own in here." Dior hisses, leaning against the door frame with her arms across her chest. "My mom wants you downstairs Betsy in ten minutes." She narrows her eyes in my direction.

"Wonderful, did you tell her more lies about me or something?" I glare at her through the mirror.

"Whatever trashy cousin of mine remember, I had sex with Dylan when you found us in bed together. Even though he claims to not remember, he truly does." She places her hands on her hips. "And it will happen again and again until I get him back." Dior throws her shoulders back, baring her perfect white teeth at me.

"I'll kill you." I scream lunging for her neck. She's fast. She runs out of my room at top speed.

Sophia's hand grips my arm holding me back. "She's not worth it. You need to get dressed. What are you going to chase her through the house in your bra and panties?" Gesturing up and down my body.

My eyes move down to examine the lack of clothes. "Ugg...She makes me crazy. I'm not a violent person, but I want to rip her head off at times." I squirm under Sophia's grip, then exhale deeply.

"I know. let's get dressed and go down stairs." She nods, slowly freeing me of her grip.

Standing at the door greeting guests with my aunt and uncle wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Cathy and Duke were both so polite and charming to everyone. I had no clue how many people they actually knew. Each person they introduced me to seemed nice and curious about who I was. I've never been semi-center of attention before in my life.

Sophia stands with me after her parents go into the party. I move closer to whisper, "do I have to stand here all night?"

She wrinkles her nose with a giggle. "No, not much longer. She places her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, I'm going to go mingle with my parents for a minute, you know for brownie points." She gives a curtsy. "Could you please stay out of trouble?" Sophia teases, giving my shoulder a playful shove.

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