Untitled Part 39

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After two very long months of studying and helping Dior get ready for finals it's almost test time. My brain aches from the amount of studying we have been doing. Sitting at the kitchen table across from Sophia and Dior, I rub my temples. Squeezing my eyes shut I take in a deep breath.

Exhaling I say, "Ok it's crunch time Dior finals are tomorrow." I clap my hands. "You have to know this stuff by now chop chop answer the question." I snap my fingers close to her face.

Dior lets out a deep long sigh. "I'm getting it, I swear. I got this." She looks down at the open text book laying on the table in front of her. She runs her long shaky finger over the words. I'm still yelling equitation's in the background. She puts her hand up, "Slow down Betsy please." Dior drops her head on the table, and I throw my hands above my head.

"Ok Dior look..." Sophia remains calm and slowly explains the problem to Dior, she has way more patience than I do. I roll my eyes and mentally check out of the conversation. I need a break.

Dylan bends over, "Betsy can I talk to you in private for a minute?" I'm a little thrown off by his tone, its taut.

I arch my brows. "Sure. "Raising to my feet I rest my flat palms on the table, "we'll be right back. Sophia keep her going." Sophia's eyes dart to me then Dylan as if she's trying to read our faces, she nods.

I walk past Dylan out onto the patio. The late spring sun warms my exposed skin. The weather is perfect for jeans and a tank top. I look out at the sky watching the sun slowly dip towards the horizon. Dylan closes the door behind us his hands reach up, he frantically runs them through his hair. This is a habit of his that he does when he's nervous. I watch, I don't even think he's aware that he does this. He takes a step forward then back, his khaki shorts sitting right on his hips move with each step. I watch his muscle flex through his plain black tee shirt. No one other than Dylan can make a plain tee shirt look this good.

I move my eyes from his body to examine his face. I'm not even sure how to read his expression it's etched with a mixture of nervous, scared and uneasy. I blurt out, "Dylan, what's going on?" Because now I'm starting to feel nervous and unsure about what he's thinking.

His face is serious and his eyes blazing he asks, "are you going to leave after school for the summer?" My head snaps back. I haven't even thought about my summer plans with everything going on, right now I'm only focused on finals that start tomorrow.

I shrug nonchalantly. "I don't know. I really haven't put much thought into it. I mean yeah I miss my mom and would like to go visit her." I glance up at Dylan.

He's mouth opens, "I...don't know what...I'll do if you leave." His shoulders fall further. "I don't want to you to go away all summer." He takes a long step closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulls me close to him and clings desperately to me. He's squeezing me so tight I'm having trouble breathing.

Sophia opens the door. "Hey, get back in here and help me." Her face falls. "Wait what's going on? Is everything ok?" He takes one step out onto the patio.

Dylan drops his arms from my body, "I'm done studying my mind is somewhere else." He shoves his hands deep in his pockets and turns his back on me. "I'm going home." He brushes past Sophia and we watch him disappear through the kitchen.

"What's with him." Sophia asks, pointing her thumb towards the fast get away line Dylan made out of the kitchen.

I shake my head, still trying to understand myself what just happened. "He's upset because I might go see my mom this summer, but I haven't even made plans for that or really thought about." I glance over at Sophia she's taking slow steps closer to me.

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