Untitled Part 8

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Nic eases her white Mercedes G Wagon into a spot marked RESERVED. I stare out my window with my eyes fixed on a large glass free-standing building, JUICE UP flashes in neon lights above the door. Through the glass I can see how packed it is inside, there's so many bodies that they form one giant blob. I shift in my seat, rubbing my hands over my wrap. Dior, Nic and Sophia leap out and sprint to the building. I wasn't nervous until I saw the mob of people, Sophia said it was 'casual' I guess I assumed that meant not a lot of people. Wow I was wrong.

Sophia yells, "come on Betsy." I shrug and climb out of Nic's wagon.

Sophia yanks open the glass door, the air from inside circles around me, the aroma of fresh fruit makes me smile. I take one step inside, blenders buzz in sync with chattering voices. Neon and white décor creates an upbeat atmosphere. My eyes dance widely around, ok now I understand why she said 'causal' everyone is either wearing swimwear or shorts and tee shirts.

High top counters line the windows, scattered throughout the middle of the large open space are white tables and chairs. Every seat is full and there's just as many people standing.

I slam into Sophia's back and become immobile. "Where do we sit?" My voice came out as a mumble over her hair.

Dior cranes her long neck around the room. "Right there." I peer around Sophia's head to follow Dior's long skinny finger. She's pointing to a table in the back corner where three guys are sitting. Dior takes Nic's hand, Sophia wraps her hand around mine, we slither through the crowd. The buzz of voices passes by my ears as we make our way to the back table.

"Hey guys sorry we're so late." Dior says as she wraps herself around the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. Then plants a kiss on his perfect full lips, my cheeks sting from her extreme PDA. He jolts his head back without returning a kiss.

"We never expect you girls to arrive on time." Jokes the blond guy.

Dior rolls her eyes, "whatever." She hisses.

Sophia and Nic plop down quickly in two chairs that just became empty. Nic takes out her phone, her fingers start moving rapidly. Wringing my hands, I linger next to the table with my eyes down.

Sophia reaches for an empty chair, sliding it next to her. "Would you please sit down already your hoovering is making me nervous." She smiles, gesturing at the chair. I bend at my knees and sit back slowly.

"Guys this is my cousin Betsy." I glance up through my lashes at Dior's shrill voice and sudden introduction. She extends her arm as if it's a grand gesture. "Betsy these are the guys." Leaning against the beautiful one, she tips her head up. "This is Dylan, the love of my life." Dark brown hair falls flawlessly around his chiseled face, he pushes it back with a large hand. Golden skin shows off his unbelievable physique, his biceps impeccably defined against a plain white tee. I had no idea anyone could make a plain white tee hot, but he does. His emerald eyes are hypnotizing, I couldn't pull my eyes away, even if I wanted to. My mouth falls open, I shift in my seat wringing my hands tighter and tighter in my lap.

"Betsy are you ok?" Dior's voice rings through my ears. I shake my head and bit my lip. She tilts her head to the side, pushing her brows together.

"Yeah sorry," My eyes break away from Dylan's penetrating gaze, dropping to the floor. After a few deep breaths I glance up at him, he's staring at me with a smirk. Great he's laughing at me along with my subconscious. Recover quickly, now I tell myself.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I say softly. He extends his hand, automatically mine glides right into his. Our hands touch, he wraps one long finger at a time around my shaky hand. The ground beneath my feet shifts. Electric volts move up my arm, his touch is exactly how I'd imagined, strong yet soft. I continue to melt into his grip.

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