Untitled Part 13

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The first day at a new school I should be a little more nervous but all I can think about is seeing Sophia and Dylan. After my shower I pad into my closest to assemble the most perfect outfit. Ten minutes pass and I'm standing in front of my mirror. My reflection looks back, I'm wearing a simple black tank with skinny army green cargo's and my new favorite strappy heels. "Not bad," I say to my reflection running my fingers through my straight long hair one last time. I nod with approval, sling my backpack strap over my shoulder and make my way down to the kitchen.

As I enter the spacious kitchen white high ceiling hangs above, an industrial-size fridge that could hold enough food for an army stands in the middle of cream-colored cabinet. I wonder why do they have such a large refrigerator no one is ever home.

"Betsy" Cathy shouts my name to bring me back to Earth, I shake my head. "Dear are you excited about your first day of school," she asks from the kitchen table, sitting down her morning coffee. I nod, toss my bag on the marble island and pad towards the coffee pot, ugg I knew that'd have some fancy coffee maker.

I glance over my shoulder. My aunt saves me, "just plop a pod in, shut the lid and press start." She winks. I do as I'm told, lean against the counter and wait for my morning nirvana to fill the mug.

"Yes, but I'm also a little nervous starting a new school and not knowing what to except. Hey, do you think Peterson will take me to school I don't get my license until next week?" When the magic machine makes its finally puff of steam, I take both my hands and wrap them around the hot mug feeling the warmth. I blow lightly a few times then tip the mug to my lips, the steaming hot liquid flows down my throat and enters my blood stream. My mom and I used to have a cup of coffee every morning together, I really miss her.

"No need your riding with me," Dior's shrill voice pulls me from my memory as she trots into the kitchen. "Are you ready or what?" She yanks open the double refrigerator doors taking the orange juice out, grabs a glass from the cabinet, fills it halfway and finishes it in one gulp. Her wide icy blue eyes are on me the entire time. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Yeah. Ok. Sure. Let's go." I grab backpack off the island glancing between my aunt and Dior wondering what she's up to. My aunt is completely clueless to any abnormal behavior or strange vibe in the kitchen she's smiling at both of us like everything is great. I shake my head Dior's mood swings are exhausting not to mention impossible to keep up with that I know for certain.

"What's with that bag anyway Betsy?" She asks but doesn't even wait for a respond, instead she turns to her mom. "Bye mom love you." She waves and darts out of the kitchen. I roll my eyes letting out a loud sigh.

"See you after school Aunt Cathy." I walk at my own pace out to Dior's car.

The ride to school is quiet and uncomfortable neither of us say a word and that's odd for Dior. I stare out the window observing the neighborhoods as we pass by them. My nerves have stepped up into high alert. My senses are heightened, and I feel energized but also my stomach is fluttering, and my pulse is racing. I am all over the place. I can't take it anymore I need to distract myself, so I finally break the silence. "I like your jeans." No matter how skinny Dior is she always seems to make clothes look good. Her cream color satin shirt fits like the designer made it especially for her. I eye my own outfit over hoping it looks as good as hers does.

"Thanks." Ok not the responds I was expecting but what can I really get from Dior other than the unexpected. My eyes return out the window in a fixed look of concentration. I really need to learn my way around since I'll be driving soon. Dior slows her car. My eyes bulge and my mouth falls open. "OMG." I whimper under my breath. 

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